To optimize item resolving time, we used SOLR search.
Custom index field
First we added new custom SOLR field :
public class RelativeUrlIndexField : IComputedIndexField
public object ComputeFieldValue(IIndexable indexable)
// Item Url Generator is an abstraction over LinkBuiilder, to allow easier unit tests.
var relativeUrl = itemUrlGenerator.GetRelativeItemUrl(item);
if (relativeUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())
return string.Empty;
relativeUrl = new UrlModifier(relativeUrl)
.RemoveCulture() // Custom method that removes culture segment from url (E.g. /de/)
.ToRelativeUrl(); // returns relative url
return relativeUrl;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.CrawlingError($"Unable to generate url for {item.ID}. ", ex);
// Unable to generate url..
return string.Empty;
Adding newly created field to Sitecore default (or custom, which is recommended) index.
Content Search config file
<field fieldName="relativeurlcomputed" returnType="string">
Solr search
Search results class
public class ItemResolvingSearchResult : SearchResultItem
private const string RelativeUrlComputedField = "relativeurlcomputed";
public string RelativeUrlGenericLink
get { return GetStringFromFields(RelativeUrlComputedField); }
set {}
Next thing was creating a SOLR query that will retrive item:
using (var searchContext = this._sitecoreSearchService.GetSearchContext())
var searchResults = searchContext
.Where(x => x.RelativeUrlGenericLink.EndsWith(url))
.Select(r => new
var items = searchResults
.Select(r => r.ItemId.Guid)
return items;