I wanted to run the XM Cloud Introduction Repo in local docker containers.

Reproduction steps:

  1. I cloned the main branch to my local
  2. I ran the init script
  3. I adjusted the .env file as I'm running on windows 10
  4. I stopped IIS
  5. I made sure docker is running for windows and not for Linux
  6. I installed dotnet 8 to meet the head application requirements
  7. I ran the up script

The following error occurs on step 15/20:

enter image description here

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Project\MvpSite\rendering\Mvp.Project.MvpSite.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\Navigation\rendering\Mvp.Feature.Navigation.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\BasicContent\rendering\MVP.Feature.BasicContent.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\Social\rendering\Mvp.Feature.Social.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Foundation\Configuration\rendering\Mvp.Foundation.Configuration.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\People\rendering\Mvp.Feature.People.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\User\rendering\Mvp.Feature.User.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Foundation\DataFetching\rendering\Mvp.Foundation.DataFetching.Rendering.csproj]
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.300\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(144,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0.  Either target .NET 6.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Feature\Selections\rendering\Mvp.Feature.Selections.Rendering.csproj]

1 Answer 1


I first thought this might be related to an old windows version I was running on. So I updated it. But that did not help. So,inspecting the docker image using

docker image inspect mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/sdk:4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2019

revealed that my docker image was from 2022 and not the one from 12th december 2023

Seems this package cannot handle the .net 8 but only .net 6

So I manually pulled latest

docker image pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/sdk:4.8-windowsservercore-ltsc2019

after inspecting that version it looked like I have the new version.

enter image description here

I ran the up.ps1 script again and the problem was solved.

  • This also helped me with a similar error for dotnet 7: C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\7.0.306\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.TargetFrameworkInference.targets(151,5): error NETSDK1045: The current .NET SDK does not support targeting .NET 8.0. Either target .NET 7.0 or lower, or use a version of the .NET SDK that supports .NET 8.0. [C:\build\src\Project\MvpSite\rendering\Mvp.Project.MvpSite.Rendering.csproj] Commented Jan 8 at 18:22

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