I have a POC of a Mongo Replica (Mongo 3.0.14) set created locally using VirtualBox. I have a Primary, Secondary and Arbiter created and initiated in the replica set:
Using Robomongo from my host machine (local OS, Win10), I am able to connect to the Primary and Secondary servers. I am unable to connect to the arbiter- though I think this may be expected? I wasn't able to find a clear answer to that question.
My connection string is as follows in a native 8.1 rev 160519 install:
<add name="analytics" connectionString="mongodb://rootAdmin:[email protected]/analytics?replicaSet=test-rs" />
<add name="tracking.live" connectionString="mongodb://rootAdmin:[email protected]/tracking_live?replicaSet=test-rs" />
<add name="tracking.history" connectionString="mongodb://rootAdmin:[email protected]/tracking_history?replicaSet=test-rs" />
<add name="tracking.contact" connectionString="mongodb://rootAdmin:[email protected]/tracking_contact?replicaSet=test-rs" />
I have tested with and without (current) the secondary server and arbiter included in the connection string, yet I receive the same error in the logs, always:
ERROR Unable to connect to a member of the replica set matching the read preference Primary
This error is followed by a number of other connection related issues, though this is the first error present.
The Mongo VM's are all running Ubuntu (v 16.04.2). From the Primary VM, I can authenticate to the Primary and Secondary instances, but not the arbiter. Prior to initiating the replica set, I created the same users on all Mongo instances and was able to login prior to the creation of the replica set.
I'm not 100% convinced that my issue is with the Arbiter, but it appears that I should be able to log in to it.