I have a Sitecore instance using Dynamics CRM within the follow ConnectionStrings.config

<add name="Dynamics-2011" connectionString="url=http://crmdevvm:5555/crmdev/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc; user id=domain\Myaccount;password=P@ssw0rd;organization=crmdev;authentication type=0" />

As this is a development environment, the user MyAccount has System Administrator permission (Security Role) in CRM.

Now, this needs to go to Production and I wonder which permission level would be necessary to keep things up & running without messing up with the communication between Sitecore and CRM.

  • Do you use the Dynamics CRM online on-premises? Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 18:37
  • It is on-premises, sorry I should gave you that information. Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 18:41

1 Answer 1


In order for Sitecore to be able to access account information from CRM, the CRM user used to connect to CRM must have the following permissions assigned:

  • Read account entities

If these permissions are not assigned, an error will occur when Sitecore tries to read data from CRM.


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