The custom.css and all other css files under Themes folder \Website\sitecore modules\Shell\Web Forms for Marketers\Themes gets loaded in web browser on vanilla version of Sitecore 8.1 update 3 but it does not work on my project instance. I believe the developer who worked on it before me has made some changes to pipelines which call these css files to load.

Theme files


I cannot seem to find anything related to this on internet.

Any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


if you want to load CSS from custom files you need to include into : \Website\Views\Form\Index.cshtml.

This is a content of the file:

@using Sitecore.Form.Core.Configuration
@using Sitecore.Forms.Mvc
@using Sitecore.Forms.Mvc.Html
@model Sitecore.Forms.Mvc.ViewModels.FormViewModel
  ViewContext.ViewData.TemplateInfo.HtmlFieldPrefix = Model.ClientId;

  var styles = new List<string> { "content/themes/base/all.css", "content/Fields.css" };

  var scripts = new List<string>

  if (Sitecore.Forms.Mvc.Settings.EnableBootstrapCssRendering)

@Html.RenderStyles(styles.Select(s => Constants.ScriptsBaseUrl + s).ToArray())
@Html.RenderStyles(string.Format(StaticSettings.CustomCssPath, string.Empty))
@Html.EditorFor(x => Model)
@Html.RenderScripts(scripts.Select(s => Constants.ScriptsBaseUrl + s).ToArray())

You can modify this line to add your custom css file :

var styles = new List<string> { "content/themes/base/all.css", "content/Fields.css" };
  • Thank you for replying. But originally my question is that sitecore Web forms load Default.css by default and MVC forms loads custom.css. This does not happen on the instance I am working on. The Sitecore screenshot above shows the website folder has reference to Themes field and it has an option to select different theme files e.g. Default.css, Custom.css. Left-Oriented.css etc and it does not work on my instance. I am interested in knowing what caused the Default.css and Custom.css to load by default?
    – Adil Rao
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 1:17

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