It seems like your webservers operate behind a load balancer/proxy, SSL certificate is installed only on the load balancer/proxy and communication between load balancer/proxy and Sitecore is plain HTTP.
Client -> HTTPS -> Load Balancer/proxy -> ALWAYS http -> server
I am afraid Sitecore does not completely support this configuration. As far as I remember, some part of Sitecore does use context URL as a basis of generating/modifying URLs. Such configuration was not tested and is not officially supported. In this case, you may experience the following issues:
You will not be able to open a number of the Sitecore dialogs due to their iframe src value set to http://... .
Always include a server URL setting that cannot be used since it will generate the wrong URL.
So, full SSL appears to be a safe option for now.
Cliend -> HTTPS -> Proxy -> HTTPS -> Sitecore
You have to do this in IIS directly.
Following article may be helpful: