I need to find all the items that has personalization defined on the layout definitions using a Sitecore Powershell Extensions script.

3 Answers 3


If personalisation is enabled for an item, then there will be a parameter named rules, when we get the rendering using "Get-Rendering". The same can be done for a parent item and run the code for child items which has Rules in its renderings.

I have made a code snippet that will get all the items that has personalization defined

function GetPersonalization($item)    
    $count = 0
    $renderingInstance = Get-Rendering -Item $item
    $renderingInstance | ForEach-Object {
    if($count -gt 0)
        return $item

$itempath = "/sitecore/content/home/test"
$AllItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $itempath -Recurse
$table = @()
$AllItems | ForEach-Object {
    $table += GetPersonalization -item $_

$table | Show-ListView -Property `
   @{ Name="Item Name"; Expression={$_.DisplayName}},
   @{ Name="Item path"; Expression={$_.FullPath}}

You can run fast query and check if __renderings field contains conditions or rule nodes:

$query = "fast:/sitecore//*[@__renderings='%<conditions%' or @#__Final Renderings#='%<conditions%']"
Get-Item -Path "master:" -Query $query
  • 1
    Might shave off a few seconds if you narrow it down to sitecore/content. Commented Jul 3, 2018 at 17:32

If you combine the answer from @Anton and @Sreekrishnan you get a nice and fast report.

$query = "fast:/sitecore/content//*[@__renderings='%<conditions%' or @#__Final Renderings#='%<conditions%']"
$items = Get-Item -Path "master:" -Query $query
$items | Show-ListView -Property `
   @{ Name="Item Name"; Expression={$_.DisplayName}},
   @{ Name="Item path"; Expression={$_.FullPath}}

enter image description here

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