We are trying to add dynamic fields in a bucket search results view. We want to display custom fields. In the previous versions of sitecore there use to be a DynamicFields pipeline. As stated in the sitecore 9 release notes, the pipeline has been removed.

How can we achieve this using sitecore 9?

  • This should be a comment but the button is disabled due to too low reputation (seriously who thought that was a good idea?). I want to point out that Soren Kruse's answer doesn't seem to work anymore in sitecore 9.2. You will get the following error: ``` System.InvalidOperationException: 'Could not find method: Process. Pipeline: /sitecore[database="SqlServer" xmlns:patch="sitecore.net/xmlconfig/"]/pipelines/…, Sitecore.Buckets"]' ``` So it
    – Barsonax
    Commented Oct 28, 2019 at 15:55

2 Answers 2


We had the same issue, luckily it isn't too hard to re-implement. I believe this should work exactly like before, but we might have skipped something we didn't need so just be aware of that.


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Abstractions;
using Sitecore.Buckets.Pipelines.UI.FillItem;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch;
using Sitecore.ContentSearch.SearchTypes;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Globalization;
using YourSolution.DynamicFields

namespace YourSolution
    public class AddDynamicFields : FillItemProcessor
        public override void Process(FillItemArgs args)
            foreach (var searchResultItem in args.ResultItems.OfType<SitecoreUISearchResultItem>())
                Language itemLanguage;
                Language.TryParse(searchResultItem.Language, out itemLanguage);

                var version = Sitecore.Data.Version.Parse(searchResultItem.Version);

                var item =
                    Context.ContentDatabase.GetItem(searchResultItem.ItemId, itemLanguage, version) ??
                    Context.Database.GetItem(searchResultItem.ItemId, itemLanguage, version);

                if (item == null)

                LoadDynamicFields(item, searchResultItem);

        private static void LoadDynamicFields(Item innerItem, SitecoreUISearchResultItem sitecoreItem)
            if (sitecoreItem.DynamicFields == null)
                sitecoreItem.DynamicFields = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

            var dynamicFieldsArgs = new DynamicFieldsArgs { InnerItem = innerItem};
            var corePipelineManager = ContentSearchManager.Locator.GetInstance<BaseCorePipelineManager>();
            corePipelineManager.Run("buckets.dynamicFields", dynamicFieldsArgs);

            sitecoreItem.DynamicFields = dynamicFieldsArgs.DynamicFields.ToList();


using System.Collections.Generic;
using Sitecore.Buckets.Pipelines;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;

namespace YourSolution.DynamicFields
    public class DynamicFieldsArgs : BucketsPipelineArgs
        public Item InnerItem { get; set; }

        public IDictionary<string, string> DynamicFields { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, string>();


using Sitecore.Buckets.Pipelines;

namespace YourSolution.DynamicFields
    public abstract class DynamicFieldsProcessor : BucketsPipelineProcessor<DynamicFieldsArgs>

Config patch

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/" xmlns:set="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/set/">
        <processor type="YourSolution.AddDynamicFields, YourSolution" />

The problem in Soren Kruse's answer is that he is defining a custom DynamicFieldsArgs class. The processor that sitecore uses uses a different class (but with the same name) so this will break. The fix is to just use the class that sitecore gives you.

I modified Soren Kruse's answer for my own needs where I just wanted to show values from the index itself (currently its loading all fields which might be a bit much though):

    public class AddDynamicFields : FillItemProcessor
        public override void Process(FillItemArgs args)
            foreach (var searchResultItem in args.ResultItems.OfType<SitecoreUISearchResultItem>())
                var dynamicFields = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

                foreach (var field in searchResultItem.Fields)
                    dynamicFields.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(field.Key, field.Value?.ToString()));

                searchResultItem.DynamicFields = dynamicFields;

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