In Coveo for Sitecore 4.1, there is a Coveo for Sitecore Hive component fronted exactly for this purpose, Coveo Related Query
It allows you to execute a second query that is related (or not) to another Search Interface.
The component works just like a standard Search Interface, so you need to add a Result List
in it as well as result templates.
Some options allow you to customize the experience:
- Main Search Interface: Allows you to bind the Related Query to an existing Search Interface. This will ensure the state is shared between the two interfaces.
- Use the search interface current filters: When clicking on a facet, the facet's filter will also be propagated to the Related Query.
- Use the search interface current query: When entering a keyword in the search box, the keywords will also be propagated to the Related Query.
Mixing those attributes together, you can most probably achieve the required result here.
For instance, you could have a "Related Articles" widget that only inherits the keywords but not the filters, since you don't want facets like "Product Type" to affect your "Related Articles" widget. You would need to add a Query Filter
component to only show articles in the Related Query.
Here is what it looks like in action: