Exporting an SXA 1.8 site (SC9.1) with Creative Exchange generates the static files, however the asset URLs in the exported HTML contain hyphens, whilst the folder structure from the zip file contains spaces, so the links are broken when previewing the static HTML pages.
For example:
<link href="-/media/Feature/Experience-Accelerator/Bootstrap-4/Bootstrap-4/Styles/optimized-min-1.css" rel="stylesheet">
which should refer to a folder:
-\media\Feature\Experience Accelerator\Bootstrap 4\Bootstrap 4\Styles
How can I get the exported HTML to align with the theme folder names?
I am using an IIS site mapped to the static assets, not just loading the files from disk to a browser. Site was exported as an Agency Drop. EncodeNameReplacements is turned on in Sitecore config for spaces to hyphens out of the box, however disabling this doesn't fix the issue as the URLs with spaces still break.