I'm unable to receive interaction events by the specific definition id

    using (var client = SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient())
            var events = new List<VotePoll>();

            // VotePoll.VotePollId is "{5D824DC3-52A8-4FBD-A6F4-4782E98C44EA}"
            IAsyncQueryable<Interaction> queryable = client.Interactions
                .Where(x => x.Events.Any(y => y.DefinitionId == VotePoll.VotePollId));

            var enumerable = queryable.GetBatchEnumeratorSync(20);

            while (enumerable.MoveNext())
                var interactionBatchPageEvent = enumerable.Current;

                foreach (var interaction in interactionBatchPageEvent)
                    var matchingEvents = interaction.Events.OfType<VotePoll>()
                        .Where(x => x.DefinitionId == VotePoll.VotePollId).ToList();


            return events;
        catch (Exception e)

Even though I see that these events were successfully registered enter image description here Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve the issue?

Here is some more information: The VotePoll event

public class VotePoll : Sitecore.XConnect.Event
    public VotePoll(DateTime timestamp)
        : base(VotePollId, timestamp)

    public static Guid VotePollId = Guid.Parse("{5D824DC3-52A8-4FBD-A6F4-4782E98C44EA}");

    public string InteractiveElementId { get; set; }

    public string InteractiveElementAnswerId { get; set; }

    public Guid VisitorId { get; set; }

was registered in a custom xDb model

private static XdbModel BuildModel()
    var builder = new XdbModelBuilder("InteractiveElementTrackingModel", new XdbModelVersion(1, 0));
    builder.DefineFacet<Contact, InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet>(InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet.DefaultFacetKey);

    return builder.BuildModel();

and deployed to xConnect. The serialized model looks in this way:

  "Name": "InteractiveElementTrackingModel",
  "Version": "1.0",
  "References": [
      "Name": "XConnect",
      "Version": "1.0"
      "Name": "Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model",
      "Version": "9.0"
  "Types": {
    "XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomFacets.InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet": {
      "Type": "Facet",
      "BaseType": "Sitecore.XConnect.Facet",
      "ClrType": "XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomFacets.InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet, XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "Properties": {
        "InteractiveElementId": {
          "Type": "String"
        "InteractiveElementAnswerId": {
          "Type": "String"
        "QuestionTitle": {
          "Type": "String"
        "AnswerTitle": {
          "Type": "String"
    "XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomEvents.VotePoll": {
      "Type": "Event",
      "BaseType": "Sitecore.XConnect.Event",
      "ClrType": "XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomEvents.VotePoll, XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "Properties": {
        "InteractiveElementId": {
          "Type": "String"
        "InteractiveElementAnswerId": {
          "Type": "String"
        "VisitorId": {
          "Type": "Guid"
  "Facets": [
      "Target": "Contact",
      "Name": "InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet",
      "Type": "XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomFacets.InteractiveElementTrackingModelFacet"

The event was registered by tracker

        var eventData = new Sitecore.Analytics.Data.PageEventData(pageEventDefinition.Alias, pageEventDefinition.Id);

        if (data != null)
            eventData.Data = data;

        if (dataKey != null)
            eventData.DataKey = dataKey;

        if (text != null)
            eventData.Text = text;

        if (customValues != null)
            foreach (var customValue in customValues)


and all the custom properties were transformed in the appropriate pipeline

protected override Event CreateEvent(PageEventData pageEventData)
    var votePoll = new VotePoll(pageEventData.DateTime)
                           InteractiveElementId = (string)pageEventData.CustomValues["InteractiveElementId"],
                           InteractiveElementAnswerId =
                           VisitorId = (Guid)pageEventData.CustomValues["VisitorId"]

    return votePoll;

Also when I query Interactions from Shard databases in SqlServer I receive more than 20 Interactions with properly filled VotePoll events. e.g.:

    "@odata.type": "#XX.Foundation.CustomInteractiveElementTrackingModel.Models.CustomEvents.VotePoll",
    "CustomValues": [],
    "Data": "5d824dc3-52a8-4fbd-a6f4-4782e98c44ea",
    "DataKey": "interactiveelementid",
    "DefinitionId": "5d824dc3-52a8-4fbd-a6f4-4782e98c44ea",
    "Id": "efcf3f7b-a899-40e9-9010-21ab7a376bbb",
    "ParentEventId": "56d77129-ba1d-4919-ba64-419c20fecfb6",
    "Text": "Voted by Interactive element",
    "Timestamp": "2019-12-06T13:50:34.4696273Z",
    "InteractiveElementId": "c2a7a5d1-3425-49cd-a1d9-5282cbc79a19",
    "InteractiveElementAnswerId": "e2d77b17-13fc-4fc7-8c0c-26d68fda50fb",
    "VisitorId": "e70535fd-7ee5-4c2a-ac37-fb760009784d"

but nothing is returned via xConnect API

  • How did you defined VotePoll class? Can you please update question with this information? Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 17:04
  • @PeterProcházka, I've updated the question with more info. Now it looks much more detailed but less readable. Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 17:42

1 Answer 1


It was resolved by enabling indexing for anonymous contacts in sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml:

    <Type>Sitecore.Xdb.Collection.Indexing.IndexerSettings, Sitecore.Xdb.Collection</Type>
        <!-- Indexer will split change set on chunks to improve memory consumption. Setting this option to 0, a negative value or removing the element completely, results in no splitting.-->

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