This is my custom provider class:

public class Facebook : IdentityProvidersProcessor
    public Facebook(FederatedAuthenticationConfiguration federatedAuthenticationConfiguration,
                    ICookieManager cookieManager,
                    BaseSettings settings)
                    : base(federatedAuthenticationConfiguration, cookieManager, settings)

    protected override string IdentityProviderName => "Facebook";

    protected override void ProcessCore(IdentityProvidersArgs args)
        Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, nameof(args));

        var identityProvider = this.GetIdentityProvider();
        var authenticationType = this.GetAuthenticationType();

        var options = new FacebookAuthenticationOptions
            Caption = identityProvider.Caption,
            AuthenticationType = authenticationType,
            AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Passive,
            AppId = Settings.GetSetting("Feature.Accounts.Facebook.AppId"),
            AppSecret = Settings.GetSetting("Feature.Accounts.Facebook.AppSecret"),
            Provider = new FacebookAuthenticationProvider
                OnAuthenticated = context =>
                    context.Identity.ApplyClaimsTransformations(new TransformationContext(this.FederatedAuthenticationConfiguration, identityProvider));
                    AddClaim(context, "full_name", "name");
                    AddClaim(context, "email", "email");
                    return Task.CompletedTask;
            Scope =
            Fields =

        FacebookAuthenticationExtensions.UseFacebookAuthentication(args.App, options);

    private void AddClaim(FacebookAuthenticatedContext context, string claimName, string propertyName)
        var value = context.User[propertyName]?.ToString();
        if (propertyName == "picture")
            value = context.User["picture"]?["data"]?["url"]?.ToString();
            if (value == null)
            context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("picture_url", value));
            context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("picture_mime", "image/jpg"));

        if (value == null)
        context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim(claimName, value));

So i am able to login by using facebook successfully but whenever i am changing the page the cache whatever i added at the time of facebook login getting removed.

  • What kind of cache are you talking about here? There is no cache in your examples. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 20:49

1 Answer 1


You need to login the FB user into Sitecore as a Virtual User. By doing that,you will be able to check from Sitecore.Context.User.IsAuthenticated on other pages ,if user is logged in/not, then show/hide relevant content. Below code block will create and login the virtual user. This can be used on the OnAuthorizationCodeReceived() of your Facebook pipeline

       User virtualUser = Sitecore.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationManager.BuildVirtualUser(userName, false);


        // Optional: Add the user to an existing extranet role

        // set profile properties
        virtualUser.Profile.Email = userName;
        virtualUser.Profile.Name = displayName;
        virtualUser.Profile.FullName = displayName;
        virtualUser.Profile.Comment = "User Created from Facebook";
        foreach (var prop in properties)
            // virtualUser.Profile.SetCustomProperty(prop.Key, prop.Value);
        virtualUser.RuntimeSettings.IsVirtual = true;

        user = virtualUser;
        _res = true;

        // Login the virtual user
  • This might work but you should be very careful with this approach if you are under version 9.2. There is an issue when using LoginVirtualUser like this which can kill a site with a good amount of user. There is some info in the 9.2 release notes as well dev.sitecore.net/Downloads/Sitecore%20Experience%20Platform/92/…
    – Jeroen
    Commented Jan 31, 2020 at 22:06

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