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Pass email id to login form | Okta external federated authentication

I am integrating Okta External Federated Authentication in the sitecore 10.2 CD and following Okta Authentication is done. And now I want to send ...
Jagmeet Kaur's user avatar
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Pages behind authentication not being redirected to azure AD

I've been following this guide to enable SSO on our CM/CD instances to create virtual users via AzureAD. From what I can see it all looks fine but the redirect is not firing when a page is set to deny ...
Sean T's user avatar
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Add IdentityServer back to Sitecore 10.1.2

We had sitecore local dev instance using /sitecore/login without using identityserver and we need to add the identity server back. Here are steps I did in one VM and it worked fine: Get the https://...
John Lee's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable to patch DefaultExternalUserBuilder in Sitecore 10.1.2

Our team is using Sitecore 10.1.2 with local environment hosted on developer machines, and deployed environments with K8s and Docker with Coveo serving all of those environments. Only in our deployed ...
Brent's user avatar
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Access Denied Error After Configuring "Require Login"

I'm having a problem with Sitecore 10. I made a page that should only be seen by people who log in. I used the require login setting for this page from the security editor. But it's not working the ...
Owais Ahmed's user avatar
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Federated Authentication with Space in Site Name

I have several SXA sites with spaces in the site name. When enabling federated login for a site containing a space in the name I get the following error on the redirect. "Site from query string ...
creativeflood's user avatar
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How to get a custom claim data back from Sitecore Identity server

I am working with Sitecore 9.3 and SitecoreIdentity Server 7 I have created a custom claim in an Okta authorization server called user_login, this value appears when I preview the token in the tool ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
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login not working in CD environment

I have developed login functionality using Sitecore federated authentication which includes user registration, reset & forgot password, update password etc. the functionality works fine in CM ...
Himanshu Agarwal's user avatar
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"Unable to reach an external identity provider." Error While Calling API

I have created an API to get Sitecore user details, in a request it needs to pass the user ID and it will return user details which is working fine. I have deployed this API on CM. Also, there are ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Configure Domain per site in external sign-in using Sitecore federated authentication

I have implemented external google signin using Sitecore federated authentication referring this blog . Now I want to set domain based on website which the user browses. For Example, if the user ...
Himanshu Agarwal's user avatar
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Sitecore user profile Custom Properties not persistent - Sitecore XP-10.0.0 (Initial Release)

We are currently using Sitecore 10.0.0 version . We have a Federated authentication module for user SSO. In our authentication module, we set claims after successful login and send that information to ...
Prabakaran Ganesan's user avatar
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Unable to login virtual user from sitecore when identity server is enabled

I am setting up sitecore identity server to pass through authentication to Okta for some of our portals. However some of our portals already have a manual authentication approach taken which logs in ...
Matthew Pigram's user avatar
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hide external login button on sitecore login screen

I have enabled federated authentication for Sitecore frontend website. But now I see external login button(login with google) on the sitecore login page. How can I remove this button from the sitecore ...
Himanshu Agarwal's user avatar
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Logout mechanism not fully effective

We are using Sitecore 9.3. We have login and logout features in our site using Azure AD B2C. During logout, we are performing below operations in that order - AuthenticationManager.Logout() We send ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Federation Authentication Error: IDX21323: RequireNonce is '[PII is hidden]

In Sitecore 10.1.2, I am integrating with Keycloak in Sitecore CM using federation authenticator Below is my code: protected override void ProcessCore(IdentityProvidersArgs args) { Assert....
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Federation Authentication Error: You do not have access to the system. If you think this is wrong, please contact the system administrator

I am using Sitecore 10.1 and I want to do federation authentication on the CM server. When I am clicking on "Log in with keycloak" button it is redirecting to Keycloak URL and after entering ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Federation Authentication with KeyCloak: Bad Request Issue

I am using Sitecore 10.1.2 and we have integrated Key Cloak on the CM server, also we have disabled the Sitecore Identity server. Below is the code:      protected override void ProcessCore(...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Sitecore CD Pages with anonymous rights are redirecting to login page

We have integrated OnPrem ADFS for authentication with OnPrem Sitecore setup. ADFS is used to authenticate both sitecore CM and CD. We have allowed some of the pages for anonymous user(from Security ...
D J's user avatar
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Custom identity provider issue on Chrome

I had done SSO authentication which is working locally and on-premise, when I deployed on AWS, it was not working on Chrome but working on Mozilla. public class ProjectIdentityProvider : ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Logout for External Provider

I am using Sitecore 10.2 and I have set up federated authentication for the end user, below are the steps: On the public website, there will be a login button When the user will click ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.2 Auth0 Login with post registration form: Cannot retrieve claims from User.Identity

I have integrated Auth0 as an Owin identity provider so that in the future I can manage website users via the Auth0 platform. After registration the user should be redirected to a form asking for some ...
salted's user avatar
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SXA Federation Authentication via Identity Server

I am working on federation authentication via the Identity server in Sitecore 10.2 SXA. Created below class public class DemoIdentityProvider : IdentityProvidersProcessor { private ...
Swati Gupta's user avatar
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AuthenticationManager Logout does not trigger external OWIN middleware to logout until subsequent request

We have setup Auth0 as an external identity provider successfully where login works just fine for our public website. The sitecore authoring server uses the default Sitecore Identity Server. For the ...
Dejan Vasic's user avatar
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How can I deploy custom config files to an Identity Server container?

We'd like to enable the Sitecore Federated Authentication on Sitecore 10.2 with containers. I've updated the ClientId, TenantId, claim transfermations, etc... in different xml files. But I don't know ...
Ray Zhang's user avatar
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Migrate existing Owin implementation from pre-Sitecore 9

I am migrating an app from Sitecore 8 to 10. The existing app was built with .Net 4.6.1 and uses Microsoft AspNet Identity and Owin for user access. The Startup class uses the OwinStartupAttribute ...
fgantt's user avatar
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Sitecore 9.3 OKTA login not working for few CMS users

Currently, we are using Sitecore 9.3. We have configured OKTA for CMS user login. Few users are able to successfully login to CMS and few users are not able to login getting the "504 Gateway Time-...
Sitecore Developer's user avatar
5 votes
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Sitecore JSS Federated Authentication in Production Environment (Headless mode)

We are building a DXP solution for our customers that requires Federated Authentication (via Azure AD). The solution is built on top of Sitecore JSS using Angular. The documentation related to ...
monkey.dsc's user avatar
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sitecore federated authentication GetOwinContext() doesn't have authenticated user info

I am using Federated Authentication for external users login (Sitecore version 9.2) After the user is authenticated, User.Identity has is external\anonymous and doesn't have the claims returned by the ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication Pass query strings to External Login Provider

Wondering how can query strings be passed to an external login provider. I am using Sitecore (9.2) Federated Authentication for an external user's login. When I debug, I see the current request has ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Enabling federated authentication using a feature flag in Code

We have managed to configure our Auth0 custom identity provider in our solution. Migrating from forms authentication however will take a bit more effort than just a bunch of config. In order to avoid ...
Dejan Vasic's user avatar
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Issues with IdentityProvidersProcessor Sitecore Federated Autentication in multisite architecture

We have 5 websites (e.g. A, B, C, D and E) and with separate clientId in Auth0. We have relevant IdentityProvidersProcessor for these applications. Sometimes when cms is left idle, upon reloading the ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Error: Unsuccessful login with external provider - Sitecore 10.1 integration with Google SSO

We are trying to integrate google single sign on with sitecore 10.1 (only Sitecore cms login). When we login using google, for the first time we get an error "Error: Unsuccessful login with ...
Dheeraj p's user avatar
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Federated Authentication with Azure AD - Sitecore 9.3 - .Aspnet .Cookies not getting created

We are using Sitecore version 9.3 for our solution. For our CD instance (the public-facing website), we need to use Azure ADB2C with OpenIdConnect for authentication. And for our Sitecore CM instance, ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Federated authentication for external sites interfering login inside the cms

I am using federated authentication to login/signup to the websites in multi sites architecture. No issues for the websites but for the cms when I open it takes to the website's ...
manaslu's user avatar
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CustomExternalUserBuilder not getting called sitecore 9.3

We have added identity provider for Azure B2C for login into sitecore websites. We need to change the username of virtual user that is created by sitecore after authentication. For that, below code is ...
NewbieHere's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication's Authentication Challenge Nonce is null error

Whenever I use Sitecore's getsignonurl and signin, I am sucessfully authenticated everything works fine. However, when I use the authentication challenge, User.Identity.IsAuthentication is false. But, ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Sitecore Federated Authentication unable to login Unable to get and an external login info

I am using Federated Authentication with Auth0. Right after login, I get the following error: ERROR [Sitecore.Owin.Authentication.Pipelines.Initialize.HandleLoginLink] Unable to get and an external ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Get current site in IdentityProvidersProcessor for Federated Login

We have a multisite architecture, and I am working on implementing the federated authentication using Auth0 for visitors login/signup. I need to fetch separate client id and secret per tenant based on ...
manaslu's user avatar
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Which Pipeline triggers the Logout when CookieAuthentication expires?

Is there a pipeline that I can hook into, when the CookieAuthentication time, that has been defined in config, expires? <owin.initialize> <processor name="CookieAuthentication&...
Nadine Lendzian's user avatar
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Sitecore OpenIdConnect ExternalUserBuild not being called on 2nd Login

In my Sitecore 9.1.1 instance I've almost successfully set up Federated Authentication. The problem I'm currently trying to solve is the following: The Login Button authenticates my user via Keycloak ...
Nadine Lendzian's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.0 IdentityServer4 How do I update Microsoft.Identitymodel.Tokens.Saml from 5.2.0 to 5.2.4?

We are using Sitecore 10.0 with IdentityServer4 trying to get SustainSys Saml2 to work. SustainSys Saml2 uses Microsoft.Identitymodel.Tokens.Saml 5.2.4 but Sitecore 10 IdentityServer4 uses an ...
Robert Mroch's user avatar
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How to get the Azure AD access token from Sitecore Identity Server after using the Azure AD login and use the token for call to external APIs?

I have a Sitecore 9.2 application and a feature project for Web API . In the API controller classes I need to get the access token issued from Azure AD after using the Azure AD login on my Sitecore ...
Nidhi Sinha's user avatar
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Implement Federated Auth for Core headless

I have a Sitecore 10 application running in container with ASP.Net core Headless mode. I want to implement a federated authentication for my CD site. But is it possible ? As per the below document its ...
Sachin Dabas's user avatar
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Using Okta OpenId Connect "A client_id must be provided in the request"

I am trying to use Sitecore 10.0.1, IdentityServer4, with Okta and OpenID Connect. When I click logout I get this error: {"errorCode":"invalid_client","errorSummary":&...
Robert Mroch's user avatar
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Sitecore 10.0.1 Saml2 Federated Authentication using IdentityServer4 and SustainSys Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml.dll

We are attempting to set up a plugin for IdentityServer4 for Saml using SustainSys.Saml2. We are getting an error in the log files related to Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml.dll being missing. ...
Robert Mroch's user avatar
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How to keep the visitor logged in forever

I'm using Sitecore 10.1 with Commerce 10.1 and working on a requirement to keep the website visitor always logged in (even with browser close & system restarts). I have used the default SXA login ...
sukesh's user avatar
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Sitecore 9.3 Federated authentication - idp claim is missing Parameter name: identity

I am working on adding SAML federated authentication to my sitecore site. I am follwing the instructions given here I can see the claims being returned. But when creating the external user, I am ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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Federated Auth Sitecore Editor and Public site without Identity Server

Sitecore 9.3 I have Okta federated auth working great on the public site. But I am trying to get the sitecore editors to log in, I can never get access for their users. Does Sitecore require a ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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Does Sitecore 10.0.1 support SAML with Okta?

I am using Sitecore 10.0.1 on the Azure App Services platform. I would like to implement federated authentication using saml. I was only able to find documentation using open id connect. Does ...
Robert Mroch's user avatar
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xConnect Identify user after Federated Auth login

I am trying to run some xConnect facet/identification code after a user logs in with Federated Auth. But it seems like all the Owin pipelines have no tracker available. And none of the Sitecore ...
Chris Auer's user avatar
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