Environment: Sitecore 9.3

I have a list of contacts based on both OOTB and custom facets. When you try to export a list using List Manager, it exports the following fields in CSV file: Identifier, Source, Email, First Name & Last Name.

How to extend the current functionality of List Manager to export the other information related to the Contacts? Other information like Address, Phone Number, etc.


1 Answer 1


To add OOTB Facet field to the CSV file:

using Sitecore.ListManagement.XConnect.Web.Export;
using Sitecore.XConnect;
using Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model;

namespace YourProject
    public class PhoneNumber : IContactDataReader
        public string FacetName => PhoneNumberList.DefaultFacetKey;

        public string Map(Contact contact)
            var phoneNumberList = contact.GetFacet<PhoneNumberList>(PhoneNumberList.DefaultFacetKey);
            string phoneNumber = $"{phoneNumberList.PreferredPhoneNumber.CountryCode}{phoneNumberList.PreferredPhoneNumber.Number}";
            return phoneNumber;

To add a Custom Facet field to the CSV file:

using Sitecore.ListManagement.XConnect.Web.Export;
using Sitecore.XConnect;
// Add reference containing definition for Custom Facet

namespace YourProject
    public class CustomFacetField : IContactDataReader
        public string FacetName => CustomFacetName.DefaultFacetKey; 

        public string Map(Contact contact)
            var customFacet = contact.GetFacet<CustomFacetName>(CustomFacetName.DefaultFacetKey);
            string customFacetFieldName = customFacet.CustomFacetFieldName;
            return customFacetFieldName;

The final step is to patch the App_Config/Sitecore/ListManagement/Sitecore.ListManagement.config with your own config file.

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/" xmlns:set="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/set/">
        <field name="PhoneNumber" type="YourProject.PhoneNumber, YourProject" />
        <field name="CustomFacetField" type="YourProject.CustomFacetField, YourProject" />

For detailed explanation, check out this article.

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