I am facing the below issues and want to understand the behavior of SXA OOTB search box and search results
- When searched with special characters, those gets replaced by blank space, if I search for "[email protected]", it replaces as "abc domain com" and provide the search results
- When search for "word1 word2", it provides the search result for "Word1" and "word2" not "word1 word2".
- Once Load more is clicked, if we search again, then clicking on "Load More" does not load more results, it starts working on page refresh again.
I am using OOTB search box, search result and load more.
I would like to understand the exact behavior of the OOTB components, link to a explained documentation will help. Also, if anyone has faced the issues/ fixed, let me know.
Sitecore.NET 9.1.0 (rev. 001564) SXA 1.9