I'm running the Postman collection to call Sitecore Commerce (9.0.3 with Sitecore 9.0.2) API methods on my solution. I call GetToken which runs successfully, followed by CleanEnvironment (which completes successfully), followed by InitializeEnvironment, which shows to have failed on calling CheckCommandStatus.
The resulting response on checking CheckCommandStatus is
"@odata.context": "https://localhost:5000/CommerceOps/$metadata#Commands/$entity",
"@odata.type": "#Sitecore.Commerce.Core.Commands.InitializeEnvironmentCommand",
"Id": "c6a2a382f576497bb2ef9215b11f49e9",
"ResponseCode": "Error",
"Messages": [
"MessageDate": "2021-07-21T22:47:08.7694426Z",
"Code": "Error",
"Text": "Failed to get connection for Sitecore",
"CommerceTermKey": "ConnectionError"
"Models": [],
"ActionUrl": "",
"TaskId": 792,
"Status": "RanToCompletion",
"IsFaulted": false,
"IsCompleted": true,
"IsCanceled": false,
"StartTime": "2021-07-21T22:47:08.55158Z",
"ExecutionTimeMilliseconds": 217