1. Using PSCustomObject in array
$list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
in for each loop assign value to info object and then add it to list
$info = [PSCustomObject]@{
"data1"="test 1"
"data2" = "test data 2"
then show it finally
$list | Show-ListView
2. Using Class, example given below:
class Topics {
create its array object
[Topics[]]$AllTopics = @()
assign values to it
$topicfolders|get-childitem |foreach-object{
$topic= [Topics]@{
TopicId = $_.Id
TopicPath= $_.fullpath
TopicName = $_.name
$AllTopics =[Array] $AllTopics + $topic
#then show $AllTopics
3. Directly assign value to psobject and show that
$customItem = [pscustomobject]@{
"__Updated by"=$Item."__Updated by"
$customItem | Show-ListView
4.using Expression of show-listview, either give your value in it or create a function and use that to get values.