Regarding the following article: it is possible to create custom cores
in the Solr docker container
by configuring a specific json file. This happens at T0, through the build of the solr-init image
which executes a PowerShell
script (Start.ps1) that takes care of creating the cores specified in the JSON
In order to have Continuous Integration (CI)
and Continuous Deployment (CD)
processes where it is possible to add other cores, a new build of solr-init would fail, because the JSON
file contains cores already present in Solr
What would be the best approach to add new Solr cores via DevOps
Creating SOLR core would be one time activity. So I believe we should not be having this in CI-CD pipeline. Just to automate this process, we can crate PowerShell script.– JitendraCommented May 31, 2022 at 5:30
Thanks Jitendra, however it is not unlikely that if you need to add new features after the first production release, you will also need to create new indexes (e.g. add a News feature with its custom indexes). If you don't automate this process in some way, after deploying to an AKS environment, the CD and CM referencing those indexes will be unhealty.– Massimo Della CalceCommented May 31, 2022 at 6:52
I was trying to say, we can create index CORE once (a particular index core). With every deployment, we should not be creating index CORE. Otherwise everytime we have to rebuild the index. It will take time and sometime will take days (dependes on size of the index, sitecore). So it should not be part of our CI-CD pipleline.– JitendraCommented Jun 1, 2022 at 4:25
Of course, but I don't want to recreate an index core at each deployment, but add a new one if necessary and if it doesn't exist. In real life it could happen ... and in a containerized environment, with an active health check, the new core must exist before deploying Sitecore roles that reference it– Massimo Della CalceCommented Jun 1, 2022 at 6:09
In this case, I believe you can create a powershell script and call this in CI-CD pipeline.– JitendraCommented Jun 1, 2022 at 8:55
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1 Answer
After copying Start.ps1 from solr-init locally, I changed it as follows:
function GetCoreNames {
param (
[ValidateSet("sitecore", "xdb")]
[string] $SolrCorePrefix,
$resultCoreNames = @()
$SolrCollectionsToDeploy.Split(',') | ForEach-Object {
$solrCollectionToDeploy = $_
Get-ChildItem C:\data -Filter "cores*$solrCollectionToDeploy.json" | ForEach-Object {
$coreNames = (Get-Content $_.FullName | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json).$CoreType
if ($coreNames) {
foreach ($solrCoreName in $coreNames) {
if (($solrCollections -notcontains ('{0}{1}' -f $SolrCorePrefix, $solrCoreName))) {
$resultCoreNames += $solrCoreName
return $resultCoreNames
. .\Get-SolrCredential.ps1
$solrContext = .\Parse-ConnectionString.ps1 -SitecoreSolrConnectionString $SitecoreSolrConnectionString
$SolrEndpoint = $solrContext.SolrEndpoint
$env:SOLR_USERNAME = $solrContext.SolrUsername
$env:SOLR_PASSWORD = $solrContext.SolrPassword
$solrCollections = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$SolrEndpoint/admin/collections? action=LIST&omitHeader=true" -Method Get -Credential (Get- SolrCredential)).collections
$solrSitecoreCoreNames = GetCoreNames -CoreType "sitecore" -SolrCollectionsToDeploy $SolrCollectionsToDeploy $SolrCorePrefix $solrCollections
$solrXdbCoreNames = GetCoreNames -CoreType "xdb" -SolrCollectionsToDeploy $SolrCollectionsToDeploy $SolrCorePrefix $solrCollections
$solrConfigDir = "C:\temp\sitecore_content_config"
$solrBaseConfigDir = "C:\temp\default"
.\Download-SolrConfig.ps1 -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -OutPath $solrBaseConfigDir
.\Patch-SolrConfig.ps1 -SolrConfigPath $solrBaseConfigDir -XsltPath "C:\data\xslt" -OutputPath $solrConfigDir
$collectionAliases = $null
if(Test-Path -Path "C:\data\aliases.json") {
$collectionAliases = ((Get-Content C:\data\aliases.json | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json).aliases)
if ($solrSitecoreCoreNames)
$solrBaseConfigsetName = $null
foreach ($solrCoreName in $solrSitecoreCoreNames) {
$solrConfigsetName = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $SolrCorePrefix, $solrCoreName, $SolrSitecoreConfigsetSuffixName)
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($solrBaseConfigsetName)) {
.\New-SolrConfig.ps1 -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SolrConfigName $solrConfigsetName -SolrConfigDir $solrConfigDir
$solrBaseConfigsetName = $solrConfigsetName
else {
.\Copy-SolrConfig.ps1 -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SolrConfigName $solrConfigsetName -SolrBaseConfigName $solrBaseConfigsetName
.\New-SolrCore.ps1 -SolrCoreNames $solrCoreName -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SolrCorePrefix $SolrCorePrefix -SolrConfigsetName $solrConfigsetName -SolrReplicationFactor $SolrReplicationFactor -SolrNumberOfShards $SolrNumberOfShards -SolrMaxShardNumberPerNode $SolrMaxShardsPerNodes
foreach ($solrCoreName in $solrXdbCoreNames) {
$SolrXdbConfigsetName = ('{0}{1}{2}' -f $SolrCorePrefix, $solrCoreName, $SolrSitecoreConfigsetSuffixName)
$SolrCollectionName = ('{0}{1}' -f $SolrCorePrefix, $solrCoreName)
if($solrconfigs -notcontains $SolrXdbConfigsetName)
.\Copy-SolrConfig.ps1 -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SolrConfigName $SolrXdbConfigsetName
.\New-SolrCore.ps1 -SolrCoreNames $solrCoreName -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SolrCorePrefix $SolrCorePrefix -SolrConfigsetName $SolrXdbConfigsetName -SolrReplicationFactor $SolrReplicationFactor - SolrNumberOfShards $SolrNumberOfShards -SolrMaxShardNumberPerNode $SolrMaxShardsPerNodes -SolrCollectionAliases $collectionAliases
.\Update-Schema.ps1 -SolrCollectionName $SolrCollectionName -SolrEndpoint $SolrEndpoint -SchemaPath $SolrXdbSchemaFile
In this way, the PowerShell script could be used to create only the cores not present in Solr. To apply the change and replace the old Start.ps1 file, I had to change the DockerFile related to the solr-init build as follows:
# escape = `
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ ProgressPreference = 'Continue silently';"]
COPY Start.ps1 C:\Start.ps1
COPY my-new-cores.json C:\data\my-new-cores.json
At this point it is sufficient to execute the build of solr-init image in the CI pipeline and that's it