I just copy the answer from this blogpost - http://kamsar.net/index.php/2015/05/A-Multiple-Root-Treelist-Field
Sitecore itself provides a MultiRootTreeList control that is used for rendering the insert data source item dialog (which supports multiple roots).
Implementation (https://gist.github.com/kamsar/33d1245ffdb630b1f126):
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Sitecore.Diagnostics;
using Sitecore.Globalization;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.ContentEditor;
using Sitecore.Text;
using Sitecore.Web;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Kamsar.FieldTypes
/// <summary>
/// This field type is like a tree list, but you can specify more than one root item to select from (for example, videos or photos)
/// The data source roots are specified using pipe delimiting just like regular Sitecore Query language
/// </summary>
public class MultiRootTreeList : TreeList
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
if (!Sitecore.Context.ClientPage.IsEvent)
// find the existing TreeviewEx that the base OnLoad added, get a ref to its parent, and remove it from controls
var existingTreeView = (TreeviewEx)WebUtil.FindControlOfType(this, typeof(TreeviewEx));
var treeviewParent = existingTreeView.Parent;
existingTreeView.Parent.Controls.Clear(); // remove stock treeviewex, we replace with multiroot
// find the existing DataContext that the base OnLoad added, get a ref to its parent, and remove it from controls
var dataContext = (DataContext)WebUtil.FindControlOfType(this, typeof(DataContext));
var dataContextParent = dataContext.Parent;
dataContextParent.Controls.Remove(dataContext); // remove stock datacontext, we parse our own
// create our MultiRootTreeview to replace the TreeviewEx
var impostor = new Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls.MultiRootTreeview();
impostor.ID = existingTreeView.ID;
impostor.DblClick = existingTreeView.DblClick;
impostor.Enabled = existingTreeView.Enabled;
impostor.DisplayFieldName = existingTreeView.DisplayFieldName;
// parse the data source and create appropriate data contexts out of it
var dataContexts = ParseDataContexts(dataContext);
impostor.DataContext = string.Join("|", dataContexts.Select(x => x.ID));
foreach(var context in dataContexts) dataContextParent.Controls.Add(context);
// inject our replaced control where the TreeviewEx originally was
/// <summary>
/// Parses multiple source roots into discrete data context controls (e.g. 'dataSource=/sitecore/content|/sitecore/media library')
/// </summary>
/// <param name="originalDataContext">The original data context the base control generated. We reuse some of its property values.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
protected virtual DataContext[] ParseDataContexts(DataContext originalDataContext)
return new ListString(DataSource).Select(x => CreateDataContext(originalDataContext, x)).ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a DataContext control for a given Sitecore path data source
/// </summary>
protected virtual DataContext CreateDataContext(DataContext baseDataContext, string dataSource)
DataContext dataContext = new DataContext();
dataContext.ID = GetUniqueID("D");
dataContext.Filter = baseDataContext.Filter;
dataContext.DataViewName = "Master";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DatabaseName))
dataContext.Parameters = "databasename=" + DatabaseName;
dataContext.Root = dataSource;
dataContext.Language = Language.Parse(ItemLanguage);
return dataContext;