I have an entity called "Degree":
I have a source that retrieves 92 items successfully.
Inside of sources configuration, I have the following settings:
Document Extractor code
function extract(request, response) {
$ = response.body;
url = request.url;
id = url.replace(/[/:.]/g, '_');
return [{
'id': id,
'title': $('title').text(),
'name': $('meta[name="og:title"]').attr('content') || 'Title not set',
'description': $('meta[name="og:description"]').attr('content') || 'Description not set',
'type': $('meta[name="og:type"]').attr('content') || 'website_content',
'tags': $('meta[name="tags"]').attr('content') || 'Tags not set',
'footer_tags': $('meta[name="footer_tags"]').attr('content') || 'Footer Tags not set',
Like I said earlier, 92 items indexed successfully. When I am trying to see indexed content under Content Collection > Degree, there is no content indexed.
I don't know why, did I miss something?
Thank you.