I think I understood the principle of creating an SXA controller with this topic Here.
But i have some question about :
@Html.Sxa().Component("MyName", Model.Attributes)
To exert myself, I developed a rendering controller that allows to display a menu according to its datasource and the buttons that it has as child.
And I have this in experience editor :
And this in preview :
So I think this comes from the definition I did not make on Attributes and CssClasses in my model ? Why my menu is different between Experience editor and preview ?
So, my question is : How does CssClasses and Attribute work ? And do I have to deffine them in my repository or elsewhere ?
For info, here is the code of my view :
<div @Html.Sxa().Component("MyMenu", Model.Attributes) >
<div class="component-content @Model.CssClasses.Aggregate()">
@if (!this.Model.ListeBoutons.Any())
@foreach (var bouton in Model.ListeBoutons)
<a href="@bouton.Url">@bouton.Label</a>
But i have a error with this code ( System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. ) because of @Model.CssClasses.Aggregate(). So I removed it to have the previous capture of my menu in Experience Editor.
In advance thank you for your feedback.