I Created user with custom fields and in User Manger am able to see user custom fields along with data. Are these fields stored in Mongo Db?
I want to retrieve all the custom user profile data into Json format, please suggest any approach.
You can use Sitecore PowerShell Extensions to extract the custom properties. The data is stored in the Core database.
$user = Get-User -Id "sitecore\michael"
$data = @{}
foreach($name in $user.Profile.GetCustomPropertyNames()) {
$data[$name] = $user.Profile.GetCustomProperty($name)
$data | ConvertTo-Json
I've not had to do this before but there are a few options available to you by the looks of things.
1) Use an query against the Mongo DB API similar to this:
//Connecting to the Analytics DB
var driver = Sitecore.Analytics.Data.DataAccess.MongoDb.MongoDbDriver.FromConnectionString("analytics");
//Building our query
var builder = new QueryBuilder();
var filter = builder.And(builder.GTE(_ => _.StartDateTime, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30)), builder.EQ(_ => _.SiteName, siteName.ToLower()));
//Retrieving data from the "Interactions" collection
var interactions = driver.Interactions.FindAs(filter)
http://sitecorepro.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/starting-with-sitecore-analytics.html or http://www.nttdatasitecore.com/Blog/2016/July/Retrieving-Interactions-Data-from-MongoDB-using-Sitecore-Analytics-API
2) Use Sitecore Experience Extractor :https://github.com/Sitecore/experience-extractor
3) It looks like you could also query contact info via Search like so:
using (var context = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("sitecore_analytics_index").CreateSearchContext())
var query = context.GetQueryable<IndexedContact>().Where(c=> c.Firstname.Equals("John"));