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Alternatives to SitecorePackageDeployer

We're upgrading to Sitecore 10.2, and have previously used Sitecore Package Deployer in a previous version of Sitecore in our CI/CD process. I noticed this package has not been updated since 2019, and ...
Justin's user avatar
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CI/CD for Sitecore 9.2 PaaS web app

Currently, we are seeing longer and longer deployment times, when deploying our web app, using Azure DevOps. When we have a fresh deployment slot, our deployment goes through without issues, but over ...
Hos's user avatar
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Is there a way to deploy assembly bindings out using the gulpfile

We are setting up a new Helix based system, and are looking at making the development process as easy as possibly from a devOps point of view, I seem to have a disconnect however in assembly versions ...
Henry Tait's user avatar
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How to use Unicorn for continuous deployment between environments (UAT, Prod, etc.)?

We are using Unicorn as sync mechanism for items between the dev machines.Currently we are manually deploying the yml files to different environments like SIT, UAT and PROD. Is it possible to use ...
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