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Questions tagged [controller]

For questions specifically related to the use of MVC controllers with Sitecore. This tag should not be used for general .NET MVC controller questions.

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Is there any way to update the response of a controller action by pipeline process?

Is there any way that I can update the response of a controller action by pipeline process? In httpRequestEnd or httpRequestBegin for example P.S: I'm using Sitecore 9 update 1 included EXM. I created ...
Tai Vo's user avatar
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2 answers

I need to integrate a controller from a compiled dll into a controller I can build/control. How can I call that as a rendering?

I'm able to call this compiled dll's controller directly in a Sitecore rendering - e.g. I can create a rendering where I reference the controller, controller action, and area and the content from the ...
Amy Triplett's user avatar