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2 votes
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Where does SIM install the databases when installing a new Sitecore instance?

This must be documented somewhere but I'm not finding any good documentation on what SIM does when you install Sitecore 8.2 with it. I understand it creates a new web root folder on your local ...
Don Cheadle's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How To: Refresh environment A(QA) from environment B(Prod) after they're out of sync

I'm sure you've been in this spot. Client has a QA and a Prod environment, but over time they stopped using best practices, and they have only been authoring content/template changes in Prod, nothing ...
Don Cheadle's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SIM => SQL Server Connection String Error: 25

I'm progressing in a Sitecore installation on a Dev laptop. SQL Server up-and-running, able to login as Sitecore / ..... to whom I gave Sysadmin. So far, OK. But the SIM connection string: Data ...
Coeur Dusite's user avatar