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Questions tagged [sitecron]

SiteCron marketplace module provides an advanced way to run Cron based scheduling jobs using Sitecore and Quartz Scheduler. It uses the CronTrigger functionality to help you schedule simple to complex jobs. All questions related to it, should use this tag.

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Site Smart Publish job - execute now does not update the "LastRunUTC" variable

In the sitecron job - Site smart publish I enabled the job and have the job scheduled to run daily. But if I try to execute the job manually anytime then I do a Execute Sitecron job now which runs the ...
Van's user avatar
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How to disable Sitecron execution reports

I was looking for a way to disable the Sitecron execution reports. I could not find any setting in the config file that could do this. So has anyone tried disabling the execution report generation? Is ...
Kapil Naker's user avatar
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Sitecron to run alternate week

I have a routine activity taking place at my Sitecore instance which is executed every alternate week on Thursday. What I have tried: 0 0 12 ? * WED * But this gets triggered every week. I couldn't ...
NutsAndBolts's user avatar
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SiteCron 3.4 doesn't fire jobs [duplicate]

We're seeing the same issue as described in this question. SiteCron version 3.4 simply does not fire the jobs you schedule, whether that's through a cron-expression, a specific DateTime or by right-...
asontu's user avatar
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3 answers

Sitecron jobs not starting after upgrading to 3.4.0

We have an issue with the Sitecron module. We updated it from 3.2.0 to 3.4.0 since jobs are not firing in the Azure Web Apps. The tasks are running fine locally, though. In the Sitecore logs, there ...
Sergi's user avatar
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How to fetch getitem detail in Sitecron execute method

Would like to fetch item details through getitem() method in Sitecron job execute method. However, We are unable to fetch it. Sitecron job execute method: public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext ...
Ashu's user avatar
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Why does Sitecron initialization sometimes fail?

We are seeing an issue in multiple environments where Sitecron sometimes fails to initialize. In the log files, we see the following: 4072 16:16:03 INFO Initialize Sitecron 4072 16:16:10 ERROR ...
Ben Golden's user avatar
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