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4 votes

How can I get Search Contacts via XConnect API?

In general, you can look at the examples in the documentation for searching contacts by an interaction facet:
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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4 votes

How to get PageViewEvents from Interaction

You should get a contact with expanded interactions which will contain page events. private async Task<IReadOnlyCollection<PageViewEvent>> GetAllPageEvents(Guid contactId) { ...
grg's user avatar
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3 votes

URL for page view interaction is giving me {{SiteName}} instead of website in Sitecore 9.0.1

I have found answer. You need to add Webvisit into your interaction and specify SiteName there :) // Create a new web visit facet model var webVisitFacet = new WebVisit(); // Populate data about ...
Peter Procházka's user avatar
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Assign Goals & Events to XDB contact on Submit of Contact-US Form in SItecore 9.1

from your code getContact != null, if this condition is false, then you are creating new contact which is incorrect. Contact contact = new Sitecore.XConnect.Contact(new ContactIdentifier(...
Mohit Dharmadhikari's user avatar
2 votes

Why I can't create historical Interactions (with a date in the past) And I can't add new facets to already existing interactions

Updating interaction facets is definitely something that has been discussed but at the current time it is a product decision to keep these consistent. If you wish to 'change' the value of an ...
Jason St-Cyr's user avatar
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2 votes

How to reset personalization for a component after certain number of session or visits?

You can try using the rule where the visit no. compares to number. Here you can set the number of visits for which the component will be visible for the user.
Sumit Upadhyay's user avatar
1 vote

Tracker.Current.Session.Interaction.IP is returning the IP of my site (localhost) rather than the client IP

So you're accessing your own local instance of Sitecore from the same machine where the instance is deployed. That's why you're getting as the IP, cause it's your local IP. If you want to ...
Marek Musielak's user avatar
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