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10 votes

How do I display an error dialog from content editor command?

As far as I remember, Sitecore 8 support for Sheer has been dropped in favour of SPEAK. Here you can find more information on how to convert a button from Sheer to SPEAK. In essence you have to use ...
Szymon Kuzniak's user avatar
8 votes

How to programmatically refresh a Sitecore item on Content Editor upon editing it

After hours of investigating the issue, I found the problem that I am supposed to send the load command using ClientResponse instead of SendMessage. Thanks, everyone for your help. string load = $"...
Abhi's user avatar
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7 votes

Restricting Item Access Rights to Roles - Prevent Users from being assigned Access Rights directly

Because Sitecore does not provide you the hooks to validate the transaction you're after, your best bet is to hide the security features and manage them in code. Here's a few suggestions that aren't ...
sitecorerick's user avatar
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6 votes

ComboBox issue with Sheer UI

You need to remove the parameters from the method declaration. It should be protected void OnSortChange() You should then be able to access the sender by the ID used on the form. You many need to ...
Ben Lipson's user avatar
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5 votes

How do I display an error dialog from content editor command?

I have decompile the Sitecore Code and below is an example how the popup appeared: This screenshot is from the Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Dialogs.Upload namespace So, you can make use of the Context....
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
4 votes

What is the purpose of scSetHtmlValue?

Its a sheer UI functionality that usually used if you are building new custom field and you want that field to have its own edit interface in Page editor, or you want to extend one of default sitecore ...
Ahmed Okour's user avatar
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3 votes

In the Content Editor, how can I have a Sitecore alert popup code run after the ProgressBox Execute code has finished running?

You should have a method which check the status of the task. Please see below: protected void CheckStatus() { var isJobDone = JobManager.GetJobs().FirstOrDefault(j => j.Name.Equals("Push To ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
3 votes

Custom field with (sheer) dialog. How to get data from other fields in the item

"Magic" ;-) Declare a public property; public string ItemID { get; set;}. Sitecore will populate this property by Reflection. You can then do normal .GetItem() operations. Caveat If multiple fields ...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
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3 votes

It does not appear that i can use SheerResponse.Confirm in Sitecore 8. What can I use?

Please have a look at my answer to this question: How do I display an error dialog from content editor command? As far as I remember in Sitecore 8 support for Sheer has been droped in favour of ...
Szymon Kuzniak's user avatar
3 votes

How do I display an error dialog from content editor command?

try: Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("Your error message");
jgondev's user avatar
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2 votes

Restricting Item Access Rights to Roles - Prevent Users from being assigned Access Rights directly

The approach to sheerUi seems fine. As an alternative to blocking the save outright and as you say possibly loosing other changes made, you could strip the user-account specific permissions from the ...
Paul George's user avatar
2 votes

Sitecore Upload Window

I have figured out what was the issue. Brief Problem Description I have been using the same code as the one for the Sitecore Installation Wizard upload UI. The only modification done in the ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
2 votes

ComboBox issue with Sheer UI

The issue is with the method declaration. You need to change it to the one below: protected void OnSortChanged() { //Retrieve the selected value var targetValue = this.Target....
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
2 votes

Custom field with (sheer) dialog. How to get data from other fields in the item

Using the "Magic" Mark mentioned it works. However, to get the ItemId and the Source into the dialog, use the last answer as described in this article:
Erwin Rijss's user avatar
2 votes

Trigger a Sitecore Command on a Modal link item

There may be a way to specifically trigger item:load. But I would probably look first to something simpler, like just generating a Content Editor URL for your item. http://yourhostname/sitecore/shell/...
Mark Cassidy's user avatar
  • 25.4k
2 votes

Error messages in ProgressBox background job

This answer from Tamas led me down the right path, so I will mark that answer as the solution. It seems that if you use job.Status.Failed = true together with job.Status.LogError("exception message"),...
Hos's user avatar
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2 votes

Error messages in ProgressBox background job

In the background the ProgressBox.Execute() is running the given method as a job where you don't have SheerResponse or ClientResponse. Try the following: add job.Status.Failed = true; when you ...
Tamás Tárnok's user avatar
2 votes

Rich text editor getting cleared on Sheer's UI ok click

To address this issue I had to change the dialog OnOk method. Instead of calling the SetDialogValue I called the following: //writes the url and link name(dialogValue .Value). This will build the ...
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Unable to get template id from content editor context item in custom image fields

It is generally not recommended to make any .NET code customization while working on XM Cloud. In case it is necessary for you to show this feature on Content Editor browse button, you can use below ...
ckhanna's user avatar
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1 vote

Sheer Download not downloading

The root cause of the problem was that the Download method was not either finding the file or having permissions to run the download. The file itself was not being saved within the Website folder but ...
Diego's user avatar
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1 vote

Sheer Download not downloading

Instead of using the SheerResponse.Download, you can make use of the following code: Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Download(file.FullName); This is also used in the Download Package and it is ...
Hishaam Namooya's user avatar
1 vote

Extend Workbox with Language filter

The problem is, you can't extend from the WorkboxForm class you need to use the complete decompiled code, because you need to change the private function GetStateItems and GetItems private ...
squadwuschel's user avatar
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1 vote

Sitecore Experience Editor Popup Window

You can add a DialogWindow component on your app's presentation details. In your javascript add a function to open the dialog window. openUploadDialog: function () {; }, ...
Bart Verdonck's user avatar
1 vote

Sitecore Upload Window

You have to provide more information, are you creating your own dialog, or you want to change existing dialog functionality, if so you have to change inheritance of existing dialog aspfx file, so it ...
Sergey Kravchenko's user avatar

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