This is my Query: ?q=((_keypath_t_pt:("/sitecore/content/Country/Home Page/COMPANY Magazines") AND _language:(pt-BR)) AND _latestversion:(True))&start=0&rows=1000000&fl=,score&fq=(_language:(pt))&fq=_indexname:(list_item_search_index_master)&wt=xml
?q=((_keypath_t_pt:("/sitecore/content/Country/Home Page/COMPANY Magazines") AND _language:(pt-BR)) AND _latestversion:(True))&start=0&rows=1000000&fl=,score&fq=(_language:(pt))&fq=_indexname:(list_item_search_index_master)&wt=xml
This is one item of the result:
So I have 2 language versions in sitecore.(pt-BR and en) I edited the title field of the english version to "Magazine 24rds coyote en" and the pt-BR version to "Magazine 24rds coyote pt" so i am able to see which version is indexed and in the result. I have also rebuilt the index after changing this. So you see the problem. The query shows the items in the right language but the fields are indexed with the false language.