Hey guys anyone got the xProfile working properly on SC 9?
I have data on analytics, I'm identifying the contact with
Using fiddler, I can see when I abandon the session the xConnect is called to record the interactions. I even see the identifier with the user I identified. Everything looks correct but yet when I open xProfile, I get no error whatsoever (client console or SC log).
Any ideas?
Update (1)
Also if I use a console app and get the contact using the code below I get all interations / goals of that user as expected
var contact = client.Get(contactReference, new ContactExpandOptions()
FacetKeys = { PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey },
Interactions = new RelatedInteractionsExpandOptions()
StartDateTime = DateTime.MinValue,
EndDateTime = DateTime.MaxValue,
Limit = int.MaxValue
Update (2)
Also, there is no data on my solr core SITENAME_xdb
Solved --
The issue was that I renamed the database changed the connection strings but the connection strings are also stored in the database (don't really like this) so have a look at ShardMapManager.ShardsGlobal