Hey guys we have a multi site setup, when we open horizon it does not open the correct site. Does anyone know where we can set the default site for horizon in sitecore 10.2?

1 Answer 1


If you are asking about clicking on the icon on Launchpad:

  1. Open /sitecore/client/Applications/Launchpad/PageSettings/Buttons/ContentEditing/Horizon item in core database
  2. There is PathResolver field (that has value Sitecore.Horizon.Integration.LaunchPad.HorizonHostResolver, Sitecore.Horizon.Integration)
  3. You can override this class and assembly to yours

The default logic of getting Horizon site looks in this way:

public virtual string Execute()
    string clientHost = _settings.Horizon().ClientHost;
    string clientHostStartPage = _settings.Horizon().ClientHostStartPage;
    string text = clientHost + clientHostStartPage;
    string text2 = _sitecoreContextHelper.Context.HttpContext?.Request.Url?.Host;
    string text3 = ((text2 != null) ? _siteManager.TryBestMatchClientSiteByHost(text2) : null);
    if (text3 != null)
        return text + "?sc_site=" + text3;
    return text;
  • Will it be able to set the required site in the Site DropDown at the top of the panel on Horizon Window? Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 16:00
  • Yes, you still will have that dropdown. You will set only the initial site.
    – Anton
    Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 20:19

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