I would like to create a superuser whose credentials will be used in the CMP connection string.

I see this error while trying to create a superuser. I tried all & any in the Policy combination section.

The operation causes a violation of a unique constraint on at least one of the properties: for property define by..

enter image description here

Not sure of the version, but the Sitecore Connector for Content Hub being used in v4.0


I was trying to create a user with name sitecorecmpsyncuser.
I tried sitecorecmpuser and it worked.


2 Answers 2


To create user we followed below steps -

  1. Go to Admin Panel and select Users
  2. Click on Add User button
  3. In the Details tab, provide the Username and Modules
  4. In the User groups section - Click on Add to user group in the left hand side and select Superusers from popup.
  5. Then in the Policy combination We selected any policy and select Add item, that's it, it will add superuser.
  6. Save.

enter image description here

  • Can you please check my question. I have tried the same
    – sukesh
    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:15

Try using these steps and connection string values that will help you in setup and configuration.

  1. Create a Sitecore CMP User (Ex: SitecoreCMPUser) in Sitecore Content Hub (Go to Sitecore Content Hub Instance >> Manage >> User). Under User Groups add group memberships for Everyone and Superusers.

    Edit Profile, add valid email and Reset password to receive an email to set a new password.

    Note: On adding membership, you may get a Policy combination error but don’t bother, just save the User Profile. Membership will be added automatically.

  2. Make a note of the LogicApp’s Client id and ClientSecret settings (Manage >> OAuth Clients >> LogicApp )

  3. Create a Sitecore Content Hub action. Use the out-of-the-box M Azure Service Bus on a Content Hub instance option.

    Got to Sitecore Content Hub Instance >> Manage >> Actions (Create Action) Set the following values : • Name: Sitecore • Type: M Azure Service Bus • Label: Sitecore. Copy the Hub in and Hub out string values. You will need these to configure the Sitecore connection string.

To establish the connection refer to this thread.


  • I'm failing at Step 1. Pls see the snap in question
    – sukesh
    Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:33
  • 1
    AS per the answer given in thread "On adding membership, you may get a Policy combination error but don’t bother, just save the User Profile. Membership will be added automatically" So is it happing on your solution? Commented Feb 9, 2023 at 10:34

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