I am getting the below error while installing Sitecore Management Services package in my Sitecore. I am working upon Sitecore 10.0 and was trying to install the package Sitecore CLI 2.0.0

Method not found: 'Void Sitecore.Services.Core.Reflection.BaseTypeProvider`1..ctor(System.Reflection.Assembly[], System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<System.String>, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1<Sitecore.Web.AssembliesScanner.PrefetchedType>, Sitecore.Services.Core.Diagnostics.ILogger)'.

enter image description here

  • Can you check the log file and share the error log? Commented Apr 22, 2023 at 14:06
  • What version of the package are you installing? Is it compatible with Sitecore 10.0? Commented Apr 22, 2023 at 15:00
  • Refer here for version compatibility - support.sitecore.com/…. Commented Apr 8 at 18:57

2 Answers 2


Firstly, you need to verify that the correct version of .NET Core is installed. The error appears to be related to the Sitecore.Services.Core.dll assembly, which means you should check its dependencies to ensure proper functioning. Here are some dependencies that you may need to check:

Newtonsoft.Json: Sitecore.Services.Core.dll relies on the Newtonsoft.Json.dll assembly. Ensure that this assembly is present and has the correct version.

System.Web.Http: Sitecore.Services.Core.dll also relies on the System.Web.Http.dll assembly. Ensure that this assembly is present and has the correct version.

System.Net.Http.Formatting: Sitecore.Services.Core.dll relies on the System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll assembly. Ensure that this assembly is present and has the correct version.

Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core: Sitecore.Services.Core.dll relies on the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core.dll assembly. Ensure that this assembly is present and has the correct version.

Sitecore.Kernel: Sitecore.Services.Core.dll also relies on the Sitecore.Kernel.dll assembly. Ensure that this assembly is present and has the correct version.

Ensure that all of the above dependencies are present and have the correct versions in your Sitecore solution. If the issue persists, try installing to a clean Sitecore instance


In our Sitecore Instance, some of the dll methods are blocked from excution for some secuirty reasons based on the security patches in the sitecore instance.

The error is same where it is blocking the method from executing to fix the issue, need to add an entry in the Sitecore.Reflection.Filtering.config but we shouldn't directly add entry in this file and it is required to add an additional patch file and have this entry to allow this method to be executed through reflection in sitecore UI.

You can add the entry in the below format based on the need.

<descriptor type="SampleNameSpace.MyClass" methodName="MyMethod" assemblyName="MyAssembly" hint="Description of this entry"/>

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