I am trying to deploy Sitecore 8.2 Update 2 instance to Azure PaaS. I've installed a fresh instance on my local machine, installed content/media/template packages from our previous version, republished the entire site, and gotten it to work fine locally.
Then I followed the instructions here:
I was able to upload a XP0 web deploy package to blob storage and deploy - I receive no errors during the deployment. However, when I then load the site or or the sitecore admin screen - I receive the same message:
Server Error in '/' Application.
Invalid column name 'TemplateID'.
Invalid column name 'ID'.
Invalid column name 'Name'.
[SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'TemplateID'.
Invalid column name 'ID'.
Invalid column name 'Name'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) +3277272
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose) +345
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady) +5002
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() +92
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() +102
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds, RunBehavior runBehavior, String resetOptionsString, Boolean isInternal, Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption) +602
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry, SqlDataReader ds, Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) +3152
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method, TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Int32 timeout, Task& task, Boolean& usedCache, Boolean asyncWrite, Boolean inRetry) +704
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream, String method) +121
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) +307
Sitecore.Data.DataProviders.Sql.DataProviderCommand.ExecuteReader() +91
[DataException: Error executing SQL command: SELECT DISTINCT [ID], [Name] FROM [Items] WHERE [TemplateID]=@templateId]
All the databases appear to be deployed -- but the Web database is missing those columns in the item table. Are they not being deployed because I'm publishing my content before creating the web deploy package? Or is there something else I'm missing?