When we deploy our site to our staging slot using the Sitecore Azure module we're running into odd behavior. The second web role instance, SitecoreWebRole_IN_1 is displaying all of the expected content, but the first web role, SitecoreWebRole_IN_0, is missing some content.
We've tried:
- Clearing the sitecore cache
- Forcing an Azure Warmup
- Republishing the missing items in question
- Verified that the Azure.ServiceRuntime.config file is using:
<agent type="Sitecore.Azure.Managers.Publishing.PublishTargetRemoteManager, Sitecore.Azure" method="Synchronize" interval="00:05:00" />
. - Re-imaging the instance
- Scaling to only one instance
- Pointing the instance to different databases with the same content and doing a full republish
- Completely deleting the slot and redeploying to a new staging slot
The staging slot is sharing databases with the production slot. Publishing is happening from a PaaS Content Editor deployment. Deployment is from an IaaS VM using the Stiecore Azure Module. Sitecore is running v8.1 rev 151207. The Azure module is v8.1.5344.