Inside license file or if you open Installed licenses dialogue inside Sitecore's control panel we can see some environment specific details.

Here is a list and values that I'm interested of:

  • Sitecore.Env.CEP.Delivery: 3
  • Sitecore.Env.CEP.NonProdManagement: 1
  • Sitecore.Env.Development: 1
  • Sitecore.Environment: 6

The Sitecore.Environment is 6. However, if we count other values, it gives 5.

How can we understand that values? How many servers and what combinations we can install?

  • 1
    It's incredibly important to understand that the physical license.xml file, does not accurately reflect what may or may not be licensed for. You must refer to the most recent executed Sitecore contract established. Commented Jun 26, 2019 at 21:31

1 Answer 1


You should also have a license for Sitecore.ContentManager - this will take you to 6 for the whole environment.

Other counts that can impact the Environment count include:

  • Sitecore.Env.ColdStandby

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