Indexupdatestrategy(OnPublishEndAsynchronousStrategy) for SOLR index is not updating the index whereas Full index is working fine. Can you please help me to fix this issue. Details are as below.
I am using Sitecore 7.2(rev. 160123) and SOLR 4.10.1(cloud). I have setup my index update strategy as below.
<onPublishEndAsyncLive type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.Maintenance.Strategies.OnPublishEndAsynchronousStrategy, Sitecore.ContentSearch" >
<param desc="database">liveweb</param>
<index id="my_site_search_liveweb_index" type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SwitchOnRebuildSolrSearchIndex, Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider" patch:source="zCustomSBDIndexes.config">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<param desc="core">my_site_search_liveweb</param>
<param desc="rebuildcore">my_site_search_liveweb_tmp</param>
<param desc="propertyStore" ref="contentSearch/databasePropertyStore" param1="$(id)"/>
<configuration ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/sbdSolrIndexConfiguration"/>
<strategies hint="list:AddStrategy">
<strategy ref="contentSearch/indexUpdateStrategies/onPublishEndAsyncLive"/>
<locations hint="list:AddCrawler">
<crawler type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SitecoreItemCrawler, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
<Root>/sitecore/content/Product Repository/Products mysite</Root>
<crawler type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SitecoreItemCrawler, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
<crawler type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SitecoreItemCrawler, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
- When I change a field value in sitecore CMS and publish the item to my Liveweb(Target) database, I am not seeing the updated value in my index(even after some wait time).
- I could see that after publishing the item, EventQueue is having an entry for PublishEndRemote event in the Liveweb db - Sitecore.Eventing.Remote.PublishEndRemoteEvent, Sitecore.Kernel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
- Core Db's Properties table - EQstamp_<> value looks ok with the Stamp value of the EventQueue entry.
- In the Crawling log with Debug mode, I could see that my_site_search_liveweb_index is triggering in IncrementalUpdate mode and getting committed.Please see the below logs.
9920 16:53:37 INFO [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Initializing SitecoreItemCrawler. DB:liveweb / Root:/sitecore/content/Product Repository/Products mysite
9920 16:53:37 INFO [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Initializing SitecoreItemCrawler. DB:liveweb / Root:/sitecore/content/mysite
9920 16:53:37 INFO [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Initializing SitecoreItemCrawler. DB:liveweb / Root:/sitecore/content/Shared
9920 16:53:37 INFO [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Initializing OnPublishEndAsynchronousStrategy.
9920 16:53:37 DEBUG [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Created access to temporary rebuild core. [my_site_search_liveweb_tmp]
12932 16:53:37 DEBUG [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] OnPublishEndAsynchronousStrategy executing.
12932 16:53:38 INFO [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Updating '2' items from Event Queue.
12932 16:53:38 DEBUG IndexCustodian. IncrementalUpdate triggered on index my_site_search_liveweb_index. Data=Count=2 <<lots of Resolving/Resolved field boosting logs...>>
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Committing: Add: 10; Update:0; DeleteUnique: 0; DeleteGroup: 0
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG [Index=my_site_search_liveweb_index] Committed
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG IndexDependentHtmlCacheManager triggered. ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'shell'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'login'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'admin'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'service'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'modules_shell'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'modules_website'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'mysite'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'mysiteca'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'website'. ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'scheduler'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'system'. ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG Clearing index dependent cache for site 'publisher'.
ManagedPoolThread #7 16:53:57 DEBUG IndexDependentHtmlCacheManager done.
- When I go to the SOLR cloud and query the item, I am not seeing the updated value in the field. But when I initiate and complete a full index, I am seeing the updated field value in the index. Any help is much appreciated.