I am using Sitecore 9.0.1 and I am trying to insert custom tokens to email in EXM. I followed Sitecore's documentation and spent hours investigating possible solutions but somehow my tokens did not get filled.

Here are the steps that I took:

  1. Created Facet,
  2. Created Model for facet and then deployed model (JSON to xConnect, this should work for xconnect side),
  3. Added new fields to /sitecore/client/Applications/List Manager/Dialogs/ImportWizardDialog/PageSettings/TabControl Parameters/Map/ImportModel named them FacetName_FieldName,
  4. Created FacetMapper and PropertyTokenMap and configured them.

I checked multiple times for possible configuration error, but I can't get tokens to fill.

Can someone help me debug this?

Here is the code reference :


 namespace Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Facets{
public class EmailUser:Sitecore.XConnect.Facet
    public const string DefaultFacetKey = "EmailUser";
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }
    public EmailUser()



namespace Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Models
    public  class EmailUserModel
        public static XdbModel Model { get; } = EmailUserModel.BuildModel();

        public static XdbModel BuildModel()
            XdbModelBuilder modelBuilder = new XdbModelBuilder("EmailUserModel", new XdbModelVersion(0, 1));

            modelBuilder.DefineFacet<Contact, EmailUser>(EmailUser.DefaultFacetKey);

            return modelBuilder.BuildModel();


namespace Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Mappers
    public class EmailUserFacetMapper : IFacetMapper
        private readonly PreferredEmailFacetMapper mapper;

        public EmailUserFacetMapper(): this(CollectionModel.FacetKeys.AddressList)
        public EmailUserFacetMapper(string facetName)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(facetName, nameof(facetName));

            this.FacetName = facetName;

        public string FacetName { get; }

        public MappingResult Map(string facetKey, Facet facet, ContactMappingInfo mappings, string[] data)
            using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application"))
                eventLog.Source = "Application";
                eventLog.WriteEntry("EmailUserFacetMapperCalled facetKey:" +facetKey+" data"+ string.Join("; ", data));

            if (facetKey != this.FacetName)
                return new NoMatch(facetKey);

            var emailUser = new EmailUser();

            var username = mappings.GetValue("EmailUser_Username", data);
            var password = mappings.GetValue("EmailUser_Password",data);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { emailUser.Username = username; }
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { emailUser.Password = password; }

            return (MappingResult)new FacetMapped(facetKey, (Facet) emailUser);


namespace Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.TokenMaps
    public class EmailUserPropertyTokenMap : DefaultRecipientPropertyTokenMap
        protected static readonly MethodInfo GetUsernameValue = typeof(FacetExtensions).GetMethod(nameof(FacetExtensions.GetUsernameValue), new[] { typeof(EmailUser) });
        protected static readonly MethodInfo GetPasswordValue = typeof(FacetExtensions).GetMethod(nameof(FacetExtensions.GetPasswordValue), new[] { typeof(EmailUser) });

        static EmailUserPropertyTokenMap()
            if (TokenBindings == null)
                TokenBindings = new Dictionary<Token, RecipientPropertyTokenBinding>();
            RecipientPropertyTokenBinding usernameTokenBinding = RecipientPropertyTokenBinding.Build<EmailUser>(new Token("username"), null, GetUsernameValue);
            RecipientPropertyTokenBinding passwordTokenBinding = RecipientPropertyTokenBinding.Build<EmailUser>(new Token("password"), null, GetPasswordValue);

            TokenBindings.Add(usernameTokenBinding.Token, usernameTokenBinding);
            TokenBindings.Add(passwordTokenBinding.Token, passwordTokenBinding);
    public static class FacetExtensions
        public static string GetUsernameValue(this EmailUser facet)
            return facet.Username;

        public static string GetPasswordValue(this EmailUser facet)
            return facet.Password;

Xml config:

<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/" xmlns:set="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/set">
      <dispatchTask type="Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.DispatchTasks.EmailUserDispatchTask, Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration" patch:instead="*[@type='Sitecore.EmailCampaign.Cm.Dispatch.DispatchTask, Sitecore.EmailCampaign.Cm']">
        <param ref="exm/dispatchFailedTaskPool"/>
        <param desc="recipientValidator" ref="exm/recipientValidator" />
        <param desc="contactService" ref="exm/contactService" />
        <param desc="dataProvider" ref="exm/dataProvider" />
        <param desc="itemUtil" ref="exm/itemUtil" />
        <param desc="eventDataService" ref="exm/eventDataService" />
        <param desc="dispatchManager" ref="exm/dispatchManager" />
        <param desc="emailAddressHistoryManager" ref="exm/emailAddressHistoryManager" />
        <param desc="recipientManagerFactory" ref="exm/recipientManagerFactory" />
        <param desc="sentHistoryManager" ref="exm/sentHistoryManager" />
      <recipientPropertyTokenMap type="Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.TokenMaps.EmailUserPropertyTokenMap, Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration" singleInstance="true" patch:instead="*[@type='Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.Personalization.DefaultRecipientPropertyTokenMap, Sitecore.EmailCampaign']" />

      <facetMappers hint="list:Add">
      <facetMapper type="Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Mappers.EmailUserFacetMapper,Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration" />
      <setting name="ListManagement.Import.FacetsToMap">
        <set:attribute name="value">Emails|Personal|Addresses|EmailUser</set:attribute>

      <runtime type="Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration.RuntimeModelConfiguration,Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration">
        <schemas hint="list:AddModelConfiguration">
              <schema name="EmailUserModel" type="Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration.StaticModelConfiguration,Sitecore.XConnect.Client.Configuration">
                  <param desc="modeltype">Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Models.EmailUserModel,Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration</param>


Core database import wizard map

Update: I forgot to put Dispatch task, also i tried debuging this and it loads only 4 other facets without my facet. My test case is load csv i list Manager and then i send test tokens including default and my tokens. Default tokens work but my tokens are empty.


    namespace Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.DispatchTasks
    public class EmailUserDispatchTask :DispatchTask
        private IContactService _contactService;
        public EmailUserDispatchTask(ShortRunningTaskPool taskPool, IRecipientValidator recipientValidator, IContactService contactService, EcmDataProvider dataProvider, ItemUtilExt itemUtil, IEventDataService eventDataService, IDispatchManager dispatchManager, EmailAddressHistoryManager emailAddressHistoryManager, IRecipientManagerFactory recipientManagerFactory, SentMessageManager sentMessageManager)
        : base(taskPool, recipientValidator, contactService, dataProvider, itemUtil, eventDataService, dispatchManager, emailAddressHistoryManager, recipientManagerFactory, sentMessageManager)
            _contactService = contactService;
        protected override IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityLookupResult<Contact>> GetContacts(List<DispatchQueueItem> dispatchQueueItems)
            var test= _contactService.GetContacts(dispatchQueueItems.Select(x => x.ContactIdentifier), PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressList.DefaultFacetKey, ConsentInformation.DefaultFacetKey, PhoneNumberList.DefaultFacetKey, ListSubscriptions.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressHistory.DefaultFacetKey, EmailUser.DefaultFacetKey);
            return test;


Here is my Json generated for adding model to xconnect to locations xconnect_root/App_data/Models and xconnect_root\App_data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_data\Models

  "Name": "EmailUserModel",
  "Version": "0.1",
  "References": [
      "Name": "XConnect",
      "Version": "1.0"
      "Name": "Sitecore.XConnect.Collection.Model",
      "Version": "9.0"
  "Types": {
    "Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Facets.EmailUser": {
      "Type": "Facet",
      "BaseType": "Sitecore.XConnect.Facet",
      "ClrType": "Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Facets.EmailUser, Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
      "Properties": {
        "Username": {
          "Type": "String"
        "Password": {
          "Type": "String"
  "Facets": [
      "Target": "Contact",
      "Name": "EmailUser",
      "Type": "Sitecore.Feature.EmailConfiguration.Facets.EmailUser"

Update 2: Seems that my Model does not get registered for some reason. I found information that if facet is registered than it will appear in database {siteprefix}_Xdb.Collection.Shard0].[xdb_collection].[ContactFacets] . Is there working example somewhere of adding model to xconnect?

1 Answer 1


The problem is most likely with your "EmailUserDispatchTask".

You'll need to specify your facet key in the override of the GetContacts method i.e.

protected override IReadOnlyCollection<IEntityLookupResult<Contact>> GetContacts(List<DispatchQueueItem> dispatchQueueItems)
    return _contactService.GetContacts(dispatchQueueItems.Select(x => x.ContactIdentifier), PersonalInformation.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressList.DefaultFacetKey, ConsentInformation.DefaultFacetKey, PhoneNumberList.DefaultFacetKey, ListSubscriptions.DefaultFacetKey, EmailAddressHistory.DefaultFacetKey, ExmKeyBehaviorCache.DefaultFacetKey, EmailUser.DefaultFacetKey);

Your custom code is otherwise correct, and works just fine on my end.

It may be that your facet is not imported correctly. You can try to manually create a contact in order to verify. First, create an empty contact list in List Manager and copy its id, then programatically create a contact e.g.

using (IXdbContext client = SitecoreXConnectClientConfiguration.GetClient())
    var contact = new Sitecore.XConnect.Contact(new ContactIdentifier("ListManager", "[email protected]", ContactIdentifierType.Known));


    client.SetEmails(contact, new EmailAddressList(new EmailAddress("[email protected]", false), "Preferred"));

                client.SetListSubscriptions(contact, new ListSubscriptions()
                    Subscriptions = new List<ContactListSubscription>()
                        new ContactListSubscription(DateTime.UtcNow, true, listId)

    client.SetEmailUser(contact, new EmailUser()
                    Password = "password",
                    Username = "username"

    client.SetPersonal(contact, new PersonalInformation
                    FirstName = "first name",
                    LastName = "last name"


Where SetEmailUser looks like:

public static SetFacetOperation<EmailUser> SetEmailUser(this IXdbContext context, IEntityReference<Contact> contact, EmailUser facet)
    return context.SetFacet(new FacetReference(contact, Facets.EmailUser.DefaultFacetKey), facet);
  • Thx for the answer i think i implemented it correct, but _contactService.GetContacts returns only other 4 facets not my facet. I added my DispatchTask code
    – Senad M.
    Commented Aug 18, 2018 at 11:17
  • 1
    @SenadM. See the update to the answer. Also, try to browse to http://<instance-name>/sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx and ensure that your configuration is patched correctly Commented Aug 18, 2018 at 11:50
  • i made console application and tested it using your code and i get error "The type of this instance does not correspond to any type in the model" , seems that my model is not loaded from json, i created json from EmailUserModel and copied to App_Data/models and App_data/jobs/.../App_data/Models in root of xconnect. As for configuration facetmappers tag is repeated again idk if this is ok. It adds my facetmapper to list and then i get another one in web.config below like this prntscr.com/kk5tws everything else looks ok including model declaration in xconnect runtime.
    – Senad M.
    Commented Aug 18, 2018 at 16:02
  • i've added Json for model in post, did you use my xml config on your end?
    – Senad M.
    Commented Aug 18, 2018 at 16:08
  • 1
    Thank you for help, problem in model deploy was my understanding of "Create a configuration file named sc.Sample.CustomModel.xml" i tought that this was xml config file, but it was xml.config . Also, there is error in FacetMapper where i'm inserting wrong FacetName in constructor, and that's why my Dispatch task wasn't returning Facet .
    – Senad M.
    Commented Aug 19, 2018 at 22:36

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