I'm on Solr 4.10.4, Sitecore 8.1 160519.
I finally managed to convert my Lucene custom index configuration to Solr, but some indexes are not tokenized. The custom index "parsed_answers" on Lucene is defined as follows:
<field fieldName="parsed_answers" storageType="yes" indexType="tokenized" />
while on Solr is defined like so:
<field fieldName="parsed_answers" returnType="stringCollection" storageType="yes" indexType="tokenized" multiValued="true">
My custom code returns a lengthy string. Lucene breaks it down into individual words and stores each word in the index individually. Solr simply takes the entire text blurb and indexes it. This is not desirable.
I have read about tokenizers in Solr:
<fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField">
<tokenizer class="solr.StandardTokenizerFactory"/>
I could not, however, find an example that I can use in my case yet - do I have to define a new typeMatch that is tokenized, or can I tokenize an existing one?
Any help is appreciated.