I have set up simple persona rule in banner rendering. Persona is set on the user and I can confirm it from Experience profile but still my rule is not executed. I have tried rule for both contact and visit but for both the cases it is not executed. How can I debug or check logs related to this issue.

  • Can you please provide the rules that you have used and also, make sure that there are no caching set on the banner rendering Commented Jul 25, 2019 at 10:13

1 Answer 1


I would start by installing this tool https://github.com/buildabonfire/Bonfire.Analytics.Dto. Then when in session you can see who patterns you are current in (past and present). If you see the persona you expect. Then I would move to the log files and see if you have a null reference to a profile key in an items tracking field. When you rename a profile, it can cause issues like this.

         "PatternName":"Business Services",
         "PatternLabel":"Business Services"
         "PatterneName":"Business Services",

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