I have a custom IdentityProvidersProcessor for federated user authentication for a front-end user facing site. I would like to also Identify the user as a Contact when they log in. When is the best time / place to Identify the Contact? I tried it in the SecurityTokenValidated notification but the Tracker is not available at this point in the middleware.

  • If performance is not a big concern , you could try initlialize tracker on successfull auth
    – Abhay Dhar
    Commented Aug 31, 2020 at 13:24
  • I tried, it didn't work Commented Aug 31, 2020 at 22:54
  • Were there any exceptions raised ? The tracker can get initialized from anywhere , not sure if its throwing an exception which is not logged. maybe try debugging the starttracker() to see if its not throwing an exception ?
    – Abhay Dhar
    Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 11:01
  • No exceptions, just Tracker.Current is still null. I think it makes sense that there would not be the tracker and session available at that point. Commented Sep 1, 2020 at 23:40

1 Answer 1


The method I went with in the end is to have a httpRequestProcessed pipeline processor that does the following

  • Check if the tracker contact is not null and the context user is authenticated
  • Check a custom session variable is set of whether this pipeline has run
  • Identify the contact and then set the custom session variable is set of whether this pipeline has run

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