I was running a query against my Solr index (sitecore_master_index) and see that some commerce items have made it into the index. This is odd because I thought the commerce_master and commerce_web were the only indexes which should contain commerce items.
I checked ShowConfig.aspx and found the following section:
<processor type="Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.Pipelines.GetChildrenToIndex, Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect" patch:source="Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connectors.Index.Common.config">
<!-- The list of indexes that we do not want commerce items to be indexed to -->
<Indexes hint="list:AddString" help="Add index names below to stop crawling of Commerce items by the default crawler">
Is this all that is necessary, or should I also exclude the commerce Category/Product/Product Variant templates as well?