In sitecore CDP ,I have created connection for send email. this connection is triggerd but status is error. can anyone suggest me the way to run this email trigger successfully?
My request is
"Messages": [
"From": {
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Name": "mymail"
"To": [
"Email": "[email protected]",
"Name": "mymail"
"Subject": "My first Mailjet Email!",
"TextPart": "Greetings from Mailjet!",
"HTMLPart": "<h3>Dear passenger 1, welcome to <a href=\"\">Mailjet</a>!</h3><br />May the delivery force be with you!"
Here is my response of this email trigger
"responsePayload": {
"headers": "null",
"body": "{\"body\":\"{\\n \\\"statusCode\\\" : 400,\\n \\\"reason\\\" : \\\"Bad Request\\\",\\n \\\"responseBody\\\" : {\\n \\\"ErrorIdentifier\\\" : \\\"f36854a5-0199-40c8-945b-dda96dd9c3fd\\\",\\n \\\"ErrorCode\\\" : \\\"mj-0003\\\",\\n \\\"StatusCode\\\" : 400,\\n \\\"ErrorMessage\\\" : \\\"Missing mandatory property.\\\",\\n \\\"ErrorRelatedTo\\\" : [ \\\"Messages\\\" ]\\n },\\n \\\"url\\\" : \\\"\\\"\\n}\"}",
"statusCode": null
"statusCode": 400,
"errorData": "{\n \"statusCode\" : 400,\n \"reason\" : \"Bad Request\",\n \"responseBody\" : {\n \"ErrorIdentifier\" : \"f36854a5-0199-40c8-945b-dda96dd9c3fd\",\n \"ErrorCode\" : \"mj-0003\",\n \"StatusCode\" : 400,\n \"ErrorMessage\" : \"Missing mandatory property.\",\n \"ErrorRelatedTo\" : [ \"Messages\" ]\n },\n \"url\" : \"\"\n}",
"executionTimeMs": 104,
"connectionUrl": "",
"mappingResult": null