I'm working on enabling sublayout caching for personalized sublayouts.

public class ContextCacheableSublayout : Sublayout
    public override string GetCacheKey()
        var cacheKey = base.GetCacheKey();
        cacheKey = string.Concat(cacheKey, GetCustomCacheKeyPart());
        return cacheKey;
    private string GetCustomCacheKeyPart()

Basically I just need to generate a cache key based on the correct datasource given the personalization rules. I have the Sublayout already, which has this.Datasource. But how do I make sure to get the current personalized datasource?

I'm following this post as a reference but it pertains to MVC, and I'm not sure how to do the same things with webforms

  • When does this.Datasource get swapped out if personalization occurs? Is it part of the Sublayout code? I'm struggling to remember how WebForms work lol!
    – Richard Seal
    Commented Feb 1, 2023 at 22:02

3 Answers 3


It's hard to trip down memory lane, as it's been a while.

You can try out following code to get the personalized datasource.

public static List<Item> GetPersonalizationDataSourceItems(this Item i)
     List<Item> list = new List<Item>();
     foreach (RenderingReference reference in i.GetRenderingReferences())
     return list;
private static List<Item> GetPersonalizationDataSourceItem(this RenderingReference reference)
    List<Item> list = new List<Item>();

       if (reference != null && reference.Settings.Rules != null && reference.Settings.Rules.Count > 0)
                foreach (var r in reference.Settings.Rules.Rules)
                    foreach (var a in r.Actions)
                        var setDataSourceAction = a as Sitecore.Rules.ConditionalRenderings.SetDataSourceAction<Sitecore.Rules.ConditionalRenderings.ConditionalRenderingsRuleContext>;
                        if (setDataSourceAction != null)
                            Item dataSourceItem = GetDataSourceItem(setDataSourceAction.DataSource, reference.Database);
                            if (dataSourceItem != null)

       return list;

Referance link: https://horizontal.blog/2015/09/08/programmatically-get-personalization-datasource-items-of-a-sitecore-item/

Hope it helps!


Webforms, it's been a while.

var renderingReference = Sitecore.Context.Page.GetRenderingReference(this.Parent);
var datasourcePath = renderingReference.Settings.DataSource;

As I recall, this is how you get the datasource. The idea being, you get this value. If it's an empty string, you fall back to Sitecore.Context.Item.

I didn't just pick this out of my personal memory space, I looked around a bit for a refresher ;-)

Source: https://tangenttechnologies.ca/blog/sitecore-webforms-datasources-and-rendering-parameters/

  • Will this get the correct datasource based on the personalization rules though, or the default datasource? Commented Feb 2, 2023 at 16:58
  • 1
    The current datasource
    – Mark Cassidy
    Commented Feb 2, 2023 at 17:19
  • Oh well that's simpler than I expected :D thanks Commented Feb 2, 2023 at 17:23

I found an example that is being used to get Personalised datasource from a view rendering. I hope the same logic you can use within your methods.

Here is the sample conde snippet given below.

    private static IEnumerable<Item> GetPersonalizationDataSourceItem(RenderingReference reference, Item i)
        var list = new List<Item>();

        //if no datasource
        if (reference == null)
            return list; 

        //else if no Personalisation is used, return the default datasource
        if (reference.Settings.Rules == null || reference.Settings.Rules.Count <= 0)
            var item = GetDataSourceItem(reference);
            if (item != null)
            return list; 

        var ruleContext = new ConditionalRenderingsRuleContext(new List<RenderingReference> {reference}, reference)
            Item = i

        list.Add(GetDataSourceItem(reference.Settings.DataSource, reference.Database));

        return list;

And you can follow the below link to get the whole source code.


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