On JSS 21.1 with SXA, the Next.js custom error pages functionality isn't working. I've configured it per the documentation.

I've tracked it down to the GraphQL query.


query ErrorPagesQuery($siteName: String!, $language: String!) {
  site {
    siteInfo(site: $siteName) {
      errorHandling(language: $language) {
        notFoundPage {
        serverErrorPage {


  "data": {
    "site": {
      "siteInfo": {
        "errorHandling": {
          "notFoundPage": null,
          "notFoundPagePath": "/404-page",
          "serverErrorPage": null,
          "serverErrorPagePath": "/500-page"

So it looks like it is resolving the custom error page paths but not able to render them.

1 Answer 1


On a hunch I tried renaming the pages and discovered that if you remove all spaces from the page item name it works. There must be a bug in the page item resolving logic somewhere. I also noticed that you can't simply call the page 404 or 500, these seem to be reserved page names in Next.js. I called mine 404Page and 500Page.

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