I am trying a search in Experience Profile in Sitecore 8.1-3 with Solr 4.10 as the search provider. I am noticing that sometimes it returns results that don't seem to match the search query at all. For example - if I search for John Doe in the search bar, here is the query that I see in the search log file:
?q=(type_t:(contact) AND (contact.fullname_t:(John Doe~0.5) OR contact.emails_sm:(John Doe~0.5)))&start=0&rows=100&fl=*,score&fq=_indexname:(sitecore_analytics_index)
And when I run that query manually through the Solr interface I get back results that don't seem to match at all. I'm not sure what the ~0.5 part of the query is. Is that some sort of fuzzy match or something?