We have a server setup of the following using 8.1 Update 2, so the CM/CDs are on Azure classic VMs:
- CM on US with SQL Azure in US
- CD on US with SQL Azure in US
- CD on EU with SQL Azure in EU
We're finding that publishing from CM to the CDs is taking an extraordinary amount of time. Doing a smart publish of the entire site, we found that going from the CM to the US CD took about 90 minutes, and from the CM to the EU CD took over 3 hours. The item count at the end was just over 88,000, so not a great amount considering a site publish.
We need to drastically reduce these deployment times. Is this a matter of giving more power via Azure configuration to the VMs or, more likely, the SQL Azure servers? There's always a cost/benefit to doing that, but I'm looking for an optimal solution and we can work back to the practical cost-wise later.