The reason why the installation is not working is because mongoDB is not present. By default, when Sitecore is installed, the connection string of the mongoDB is already available in the ConnectionStrings.config
file and Sitecore Analytics is enabled.
Due to this, when Sitecore runs, it will try to connect to the MongoDB. This is the reason why the installation may takes lot of time to complete or having the never end installation issue like the one your are experiencing. You will have the same issue with other package installation.
So, as you already mention, disabling the Analytics will fix the problem. Though, instead of changing the Sitecore config file directly, it is recommended to patch the setting as follows:
<configuration xmlns:patch="">
<setting name="Xdb.Enabled" value="false" />
and name the file as z.DisableSitecoreAnalytics.config
so that it overrides the Sitecore configuration file. This will prevent any issues tomorrow when upgrading the Sitecore Version as it may overwritten the Sitecore Analytics config file when performing an upgrade.
However, if you do not intend to make use of the MongoDB at all, it is preferable to remove the connection string of the MongoDB.
Sitecore will make use of both mongoDB analytics and the Sitecore analytics DB. What happens is that data are captured and store in mongoDB then when session is expired ( default is 20mins), Sitecore flushes the data from MongoDB to the Sitecore Analytics DB. The results can be viewed from the experience analytics