I want this check box checked for each user

Hi, is there is a way to enforce this checkbox value = true each user login ? If enforce not possible, can we globally set check = true for each users?

I found similar question here: Set Default Value of Ribbon Checkbox and make some adjustment since it have different settings and sitecore version as follow

using Sitecore.Diagnostics;
using Sitecore.Pipelines.LoggedIn;
using Sitecore.Security.Accounts;

namespace CustomLogin
    public class EnforceEntireTree
        public void Process(LoggedInArgs args)
            User user = User.FromName(args.Username, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "user");
            user.Profile.SetPropertyValue("/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/View/Entire Tree", "on");

When it's executed it's throw error: "The settings property '/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunks/View/Entire Tree' was not found."


I found proper name for that setting but these code isn't working

namespace CustomLogin
    public class EnforceEntireTree
        public void Process(LoggedInArgs args)
            User user = User.FromName(args.Username, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "user");

            string key = "/" + user.Name + "/UserOptions.View.ShowEntireTree";
            user.Profile.Initialize(user.Name, true);
            user.Profile[key] = "true";

UPDATE #2: After Andrey Bobrov said, i try to clear cache by using this way:

namespace CustomLogin
    public class EnforceEntireTree
        public void Process(LoggedInArgs args)
            User user = User.FromName(args.Username, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "user");

            string key = "/" + user.Name + "/UserOptions.View.ShowEntireTree";
            user.Profile.Initialize(user.Name, true);
            user.Profile[key] = "true";

            RegistryCache registryCache = CacheManager.GetRegistryCache(Context.Site);

Still not working, Do I doing it wrong? If I clear all the cache from sitecore/admin/cache.aspx then the checkbox is checked just by using refresh (F5)

Thank You

  • have you cleared the registry cache after executing your code? Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 7:29
  • Hi @AndreyBobrov, could you tell me how to clear cache? I trying using above code but not working. Now i'm sure it's about cache since clearing them, then checkbox is checked. Thank You Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:09
  • @HadiSusanto, I think the cache that is being cleared is not the one which is responsible for the ribbon to take the new values. Check what is the Context.Site returning. Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 19:55

2 Answers 2


As you have specified in your comment, clearing the cache from the cache.aspx page, fixed the issue. The reason why even clearing the cache from the code is not working is because the Context.Site is not the correct one.

The Context.Site at this point is equal to login. You should clear the cache for the shell.

namespace CustomLogin
    public class EnforceEntireTree
        public void Process(LoggedInArgs args)
            User user = User.FromName(args.Username, true);
            Assert.IsNotNull(user, "user");

            string key = "/" + user.Name + "/UserOptions.View.ShowEntireTree";
            user.Profile.Initialize(user.Name, true);
            user.Profile[key] = "true";

            // Get the shell site here
            var site = Sitecore.Sites.SiteContext.GetSite("shell");
            RegistryCache registryCache = CacheManager.GetRegistryCache(site );
  • Thanks a lot, this do the trick. As you said Context.Site at that point is login Commented Mar 17, 2017 at 2:52

You could achieve this by setting registry as shown.

PS script to change the registry

PS script:

    --Get the default value
    --Set 'true' to the context user        

You can write respective C# code to do the similar stuff after post login or something like that.

  • Hi Balaji Kuppuswamy, I use Registry.SetBool(key, true); but it give me these error: This property cannot be set for anonymous users. FYI: Those code is running at LoggedIn pipeline Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:12
  • as mentioned, this should be applicable for CMS users and users should be logged-in or post login event. May i know where are you trying this code,which pipeline ? Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:18
  • I hook those code by using web.config <sitecore> <processors> <loggedin argsType="Sitecore.Pipelines.LoggedIn.LoggedInArgs"> <processor mode="on" type="CustomLogin.EnforceEntireTree, CustomLogin" /> </loggedin> </processors> </sitecore> Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:29
  • could you make your processor as a last processor i.e. below CleanupUserProfile ? Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:34
  • It's already bellow CleanupUserProfile, 1. Sitecore.Pipelines.LoggedIn.Ticket, Sitecore.Kernel 2. Sitecore.Pipelines.LoggedIn.CleanupUserProfile, Sitecore.Kernel 3. CustomLogin.EnforceEntireTree, CustomLogin Commented Mar 16, 2017 at 11:38

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