While trying to configure security for the users of our system, I found that I needed to grant access to the template used for the Data item; which I believe is a Virtual Page Data.
Example: The following applies security changes to the Data folders.
# This is a helper method to simplify the changes.
function New-AccessRuleList {
$list = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule]"
foreach($rule in $accessrule) {
$list.Add((New-ItemAcl -Identity $Identity -AccessRight $rule -PropagationType $PropagationType -SecurityPermission $SecurityPermission))
$allowItemProps = @{
PropagationType = [Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.PropagationType]::Entity
SecurityPermission = [Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.SecurityPermission]::AllowAccess
$realEveryone = "\Everyone"
$virtualDataItem = Get-Item -Path "master:" -ID "{9700DC24-8969-4638-ACC3-34D54335829E}"
$accessRules = New-Object Sitecore.Security.AccessControl.AccessRuleCollection
$accessRules.AddRange((New-AccessRuleList -Identity $realEveryone -AccessRule item:create @allowItemProps))
$virtualDataItem | Add-ItemAcl -AccessRules $accessRules
The final results:
folder marked as hidden? Can you check for the other users in the "view" ribbon tab, if "show hidden items" is checked?Data
folder is likely hidden, this would be best practice.